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Board games for learning English

What could be more interesting than a board game? And if it helps not only to have fun, but also to learn the language? Perhaps this is something that is suitable not only for children, but also for adults!
We have selected the best games that allow you to learn English in a fun and interesting way. They are suitable for both lessons and home use.
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In the article, the games are divided by age and level of preparation of students. For each you will find out its description and approximate cost.
Board games in English for children
Board games are a great tool for teachers to help motivate students to learn a foreign language, increase their vocabulary and relax a little while studying.
All responsibility for the correct conduct of the game lies with the teacher. It is important that it corresponds to the knowledge available to the students. It is required to observe the age approach and the principle “from simple to complex”. Only in this case the game will be developing.
The teacher organizes the entire gameplay, but he only watches the class. He directs, gives recommendations and hints in case of difficulties, but imperceptibly and without interfering in the process. It is important that the teacher does not distract or correct students during the game. His task is to make notes about the mistakes of students for their further development.
For preschoolers
Entertaining and educational activities for the smallest are built on the principle "the simpler and more fun, the better." The examples of tasks presented below are suitable for children who are just starting to learn the language.
"My First English Alphabet"
essence | Name the word with the letter that has fallen out and be the first to reach Z. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 3+ | |
Duration | From 15 min | |
Price | $3 |
It is worth starting an exciting training with the so-called "walkers". Our first game of the same name is perfect for learning the alphabet.
The child "walks" and calls letters. Literally a couple of such activities for kids, and they will already learn the entire alphabet.
For older children, the game can be complicated. There is one word for each letter. Even more difficult is to compete, who will name more words for the letter that has fallen out. The result is written down on a piece of paper. At the end of the game, a score is made.
"Candy land"
essence | Reach the finish line first | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 4+ | |
Duration | From 15 min | |
Price | $17 |
Another version of the "walker". However, it differs from the classic one in that cards with flowers are used instead of a cube. The player must walk across the field to the color that he pulled out. This activity helps children learn counting and color names. On the field, you can also read and memorize the names of "sweets". Sweet tooth will come in handy. Use a dictionary and don't forget about transcription.
"Soft sign English"
essence | Find the item that matches the picture. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 5+ | |
Duration | 20-30 min | |
Price | $37 |
It's simple but fun with different levels of difficulty and is suitable for both preschoolers and adults. The rules can be simplified or complicated depending on the age of the player and his level of language proficiency.
There are 50 cards in the set. Tasks can be made more difficult. For example, draw several cards. Then you need to try to pick up an item that matches several properties at once, if possible.
The font of the cards is "speaking", it helps children learn new words faster with the help of associations. For example, the word cold is written in blue letters in the form of ice, and the word long is strongly stretched.
This game is also available in Russian version. It is called simply "Soft Sign". About 90% of the words coincide with the English version, moreover, what is important is that the pictures do not overlap. This means that both of these sets can be used simultaneously to learn English words without losing interest in tasks for children.
"Animal letters English"
essence | Collect the word on the picture first. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 4+ | |
Duration | 10-20 min | |
Price | $34 |
Animal Letters English is the English version of the popular children's game "Animal Letters". The tasks in it help children learn not only the alphabet, but also the names of animals, as well as their correct spelling.
The set contains 26 cards with pictures of animals and 70 cards with letters of the English alphabet. The letters are placed face down, they must first be mixed.
The first student draws out a card with a picture and reads the name of the “beast”. The teacher can also do this, the main thing is that the children already know the alphabet. The task of the participants in turn is to open cards with letters and look for those that are in the given name of the animal. The turn passes to the next player if the wrong letter is chosen, and the card is returned to its place.
The teacher controls the number of letters used, starting with the smallest. Further tasks can be complicated by increasing the number of cards for guessing.
For primary school students
These games are suitable for students who already have a basic knowledge of English.
"3D word"
essence | Compose words from letters according to the constructor principle. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 8+ | |
Duration | from 30 min | |
Price | $33 |
This is a construction game, which is simply necessary for the initial stage of learning a language. First of all, it trains memory and fine motor skills, and is also suitable for the development of logical thinking and ingenuity.
Details of the designer have a color selection of letters, which allows students to quickly learn the vowels and consonants of the English alphabet. By completing this task, students learn to compose syllables, and from them words, phrases and sentences. Such a constructor helps children to expand their vocabulary, learn punctuation marks and master the initial spelling of the English language.
essence | Translate a word on a given topic. | |
Players | 2-4 | |
Age | 9+ | |
Duration | 30 minutes | |
Price | $8 |
The name of the game already speaks for itself. It is designed primarily to expand the vocabulary of students. The set includes about 9000 English words divided by subject. There are five of them: "Science and technology", "Man", "Nature and hobbies", "Environment" and "Frequently used words". The teacher can only choose the level of difficulty (from one to three) and control the correct pronunciation of words during the task.
Before the start, the rules are agreed: from which language the translation will be made (from Russian or English), how many words from the group must be translated (from one to ten) for the answer to be counted, and what form of answer (written or oral) the participants should give.
The first student rolls a die and determines the thematic group by the number that has fallen out, the words of which he will translate in this round. If he is lucky and a “dice” with the number “six” falls out, he is given the right to choose a theme. The second player takes a card from the chosen topic and reads it aloud. The task of the first is to translate it correctly. If successful, he takes the card. And so on until he collects the agreed amount or makes a mistake.
In case of an error (if he translated incorrectly), the card is placed at the end of the pile, and the turn passes to another player. Also, the move passes if a “bone” falls out on a topic that this participant has already guessed.
It is best to play in pairs. The winner is the one who first collects a predetermined number of cards from each thematic group.
Lexico Junior game - this is an option for younger children (for preschoolers and first graders). It contains 600 basic words of the English language, each of which is written on a separate card with a picture.
"Tick Tock Boom or Pass the Bomb"
essence | Have time to say the right word before the "bomb" explodes. | |
Players | 2-4 | |
Age | 7+ | |
Duration | 30 minutes | |
Price | $25-30 |
A real "Bomb" game that can explode at any moment! The set contains 110 cards and a battery-operated plastic "bomb". This active activity is sure to please children both in and out of the classroom.
The first participant turns on the “bomb” and takes a card with a syllable written on it. The meaning of the task is to remember the word in which this syllable occurs and quickly pass the “bomb” to another until it “exploded”. The one who is “unlucky” takes this card for himself.
The difficulty level of this card game is easy to control. For those who do not know so much a word, it is better to start with letter combinations. For example, just select "th", "sh", "ra". Over time, the game should be complicated, choosing no longer letter combinations, but syllables.
"Brain box"
essence | Remember the picture and answer the questions correctly | |
Players | 1+ | |
Age | 8+ | |
Duration | From 10 min | |
Price | $17 |
The game "Brain Box" or in other words "Chest of Knowledge" is a kind of quiz on a specific topic. Issued on various topics. For example, "World History", "Around the World", "Transport", "Art", "Tales", "Great Inventions", "Football", "In the Animal World", "Dinosaurs" and others. There are 54 question cards in each set, one box is enough for the class.
The rules are very simple. Participants look at the picture that the teacher pulls out for 10 seconds, then they must answer the questions written on the back of the card. The one who gives the most correct answers the fastest wins.
"Tell Tale"
essence | Make up a story with pictures. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 6-12 | |
Duration | 30 minutes | |
Price | $25 |
Includes 60 cards with pictures on both sides. You may need two or three sets per class.
Each student is given 5-6 cards, from which you need to make a story. The story should be logical and coherent. At the end, the teacher corrects the mistakes and chooses the winner. Whoever has a more beautiful and competent text, he wins.
The game trains connected speech and imagination well, helps to develop students' lexical and grammatical skills.
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"Scrabble or Scrabble"
essence | Make up as many words as possible on the playing field. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 9+ | |
Duration | 30 minutes | |
Price | $16 |
The legendary game, released in 1931 in America, was originally called "Lexico". In Russia, she is known as "Erudite". Suitable for children who already have a good vocabulary. Scrabble Junior option is especially good.
The set includes a playing field and bones with letters. In the course of the game, you will not only have to make up words, but also challenge your opponents or fight back about their real existence, as well as count points and, if necessary, change the bones if they do not suit you at all. Also stock up on a dictionary to check. What if the word you made up really exists?
The one who draws the letter "A" always starts. Also for the first word points are multiplied twice. Words are built, as if "clinging" to each other's letters. It turns out something like a solved crossword puzzle. The game is played as long as there are free places on the field, and the right words are in the head. At the end, the scores are calculated and the winner is determined.
essence | Find and write down as many words as possible from the dice. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 7+ | |
Duration | 5 minutes | |
Price | $15 |
"Boggle" develops mindfulness and memory. It is very easy and simple to play almost anywhere. All you need is just to shake the tray with letters, stock up on sheets of paper, pens or pencils and note the time. The goal is to find and write down as many words as possible in three minutes.
Letters can be either vertically or horizontally or even diagonally. Be careful, you cannot skip letters and you cannot use the same letter several times. You are allowed to write words in any direction, you can even find a word in a word. But you can not write names, prepositions, conjunctions and abbreviations. Also, only words longer than three letters are counted.
For high school students
"Desktops" for high school students are more complex, but no less interesting.
essence | Explain the meaning of the word by describing it. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 13+ | |
Duration | from 20 min | |
Price | $34 |
Participants are divided into two teams, each of which in turn draws cards with words. Task: explain to the opposite team the word written on it. The difficulty is that each of them has a list of taboo words that cannot be used when describing. Those are the words that first come to mind.
This exciting game is aimed at enhancing vocabulary, developing thinking and training memory. Includes 250 cards.
essence | Earn the most points by describing words without naming them. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 12+ | |
Duration | 20-30 min | |
Price | $40 |
The game "Funny English" is a bit similar to the previous one. There are 120 cards in total. The first player draws a definition card. His task is to describe the word without naming it. All adjectives are divided into topics, each of which has its own color. The one who guesses gets a point. A point is also awarded to the one who described.
At the discretion of the teacher, a timer may also be turned on. The winner is the one who earns the most points in the allotted time.
"Once Upon A Time - in some kingdom"
essence | Think of a logical story from the pictures. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 12+ | |
Duration | 30 minutes | |
Price | $18 |
The higher the level of language proficiency of the participants, the more interesting it is to play, although the tasks are not difficult. There are 30 picture cards in the set. Each participant is given a certain number of cards. His task is to come up with a beautiful story or fairy tale. If he finds it difficult, any other participant can answer, and earn his points.
Over time, such “training” helps to express your thoughts more clearly. Teaches creative thinking, activates vocabulary.
essence | Describe the word in the picture, earn points and be the first to reach the finish line. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 13+ | |
Duration | 30-50 min | |
Price | $7-10 |
The Alias game or Understand Me, Understand, also known as Say Different or Hat, is designed for a big company and fun pastime.
You can split into teams. The first move is determined by lot. A card with a picture is drawn. The player's task is to explain what is drawn on it with gestures, facial expressions and synonymous words or suggestive words. But not everything is so simple. The one who guesses earns a point for himself or the team, and moves the chip around the field. And so on, until someone reaches the finish line first. But that's not all. The set also includes a timer so that the participants do not relax. But you can do without it.
This "table" helps to learn a lot of new words. Therefore, the use of a dictionary is not forbidden, but encouraged. The game also trains memory, logic and liberates the participants.
Available in full and compact version. There are also other types of it: "Alias party" for parties and "Alias junior" for children.
"Say Anything"
essence | Come up with an original answer that the “leader” will like. | |
Players | 3-8 | |
Age | 13+ | |
Duration | 30 minutes | |
Price | $22-28 |
This exciting game is suitable for both adults and children with a good level of language proficiency. Used to practice spoken language.
There are 80 cards in the set, each with 5 questions. Questions can be both funny and philosophical.
The “leader” is appointed or selected by lot. He takes out a card and reads any question. Participants write their answers on the board and place it face down. When all the answers are ready, the judge writes down the one that he liked the most. The task of the players is to give the most interesting answer, and then guess which of the answers the host will choose.
The goal of the game is to get the participants talking, to teach them to think outside the box and just to have fun.
Board games in English for adults
You might think that adults with a good level of language proficiency do not even need to play. However, we want to reassure you. We have found cool educational games for adults and those whose English level is already Pre-Intermediate and above. They can be used in class or just with friends.
"5 second rule"
essence | You need to answer the question in 5 seconds and get to the finish line first. | |
Players | 3+ | |
Age | 14+ | |
Duration | 20-30 min | |
Price | $33 |
Includes 200 cards, 6 tokens, tube timer and game board. The first participant takes a card and reads the question to the opponent sitting next to him. All questions begin like this: "Name three..." The task of the opponent is to have time to answer the question, that is, to name three words for a given category, until all the balls in the timer roll down. If he copes, he makes a move with a chip across the field. If not, his question goes to the next participant. The difficulty is that the answers cannot be repeated.
essence | Give the correct definition of the word chosen by the presenter. | |
Players | 2-8 | |
Age | 16+ | |
Duration | 60 min | |
Price | $30 |
This is a rather difficult but interesting intellectual game for people with an advanced level of language proficiency, known in Russian as "Zavalinka".
The presenter is selected, who from the proposed version of the words names one that he liked. Participants must write down the definition of this word, even a fictional one. The players then vote for the answers they think are correct. If you gave the correct definition and voted for your answer, you earn 2 points. However, you can come up with an answer. If voted for, you will earn 1 point. If none of the participants could guess the meaning of the word, the host gets 3 points.
"Beat About the Bush in Business"
essence | Explain the word so that other participants can guess it. | |
Players | 2-5 | |
Age | 18+ | |
Duration | 20-30 min | |
Price | $28 |
Includes 200 cards, 100 chips and instructions in English. The task of the participants is to guess the words that the opponent describes and earn chips. In an easier version, it is allowed to use clue words, in a more complex one, no.
"Agony Aunt"
essence | Earn the most points by describing words without naming them. | |
Players | 3-8 | |
Age | 18+ | |
Duration | 20-30 min | |
Price | $42 |
There are no winners and losers in this game. Participants take turns drawing cards with "problems", and each offers his own solution. There are only 400 cards in the set. The funny thing is that your opponents might accidentally give you advice on a real life problem.
Board games help to consciously master a foreign language. Such classes in the classroom are a great way to develop independence, initiative and a sense of teamwork in students of all ages. They liberate and force even the most silent students to “speak”.
Thanks to games, participants work more actively and enthusiastically than with textbooks, they help each other. In the process of such classes, the vocabulary expands and the existing one is activated.
Such classes are controlled, the teacher only needs to manage the learning activities, correcting the pronunciation of words and the correctness of the game.
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