Teach English in Asia

There is no doubt that Asia is one of the most fascinating regions in the world. It serves as an uncomplicated platform for individuals to accumulate and preserve great wealth. To meet the growing demand for English teachers, it is not surprising that many people relocate to Asia every year.

Advantages of English teaching in Asia

There are several important factors to consider when searching for a job online. One of the key considerations is determining both the expenses you'll incur and the salary you'll earn, as relocating abroad - even if it's only for a limited period - is a significant undertaking. Fortuitously, China provides all of the necessary components to carve out a comfortable living, which is not always the case in other nations where one must procure their own lodgings and commute to the office. Envision the convenience of only having to commit to a single year-long contract and the freedom to establish your own work schedule. Truly remarkable, wouldn't you say?

Young teachers
Access to paid accommodations.
Coverage of transportation expenses.
Complimentary airfare.
Provision of medical insurance.
Availability of meals at the workplace.
Complimentary Chinese language classes.
Paid time off for holidays.
Paid vacation time.
Competitive salary.
Bonus incentive upon completion of contract.

Need to know to teach English in Asia

In Asia, the regulations governing the teaching of English vary from country to country, but they generally fall into two categories. The initial category consists of legal prerequisites needed to gain the appropriate visa and permit for employment within the country. The second classification pertains to the standards outlined by specific educational institutions or employers.



Teaching English in most Asian countries typically requires a bachelor's degree and at least 120 hours of TEFL training. And remember that some countries also prioritize native speakers. Nevertheless, it is possible for individuals without formal training or experience to pursue teaching English abroad. In Cambodia, for instance, there are opportunities to legally teach English even without a degree. Even inexperienced individuals can explore teaching as a viable option in Taiwan, where the demand for TEFL teachers remains high.

Get TEFL certification!
Acquiring a Work Visa for Teaching English in Asia

Acquiring a Work Visa for Teaching English in Asia

If you aspire to engage in legitimate teaching work within Asian boundaries, then obtaining an appropriate work visa and permit is an indispensable prerequisite. While the application procedures vary from one country to another, often times, schools and employers shoulder necessary fees for a six or twelve month visa. Consequently, searching for job opportunities before departure is a typical requirement.

Recent years have seen numerous crackdowns on unauthorized teachers in various Asian countries, with frequent school raids and swift deportation. Consequently, it is highly advisable to adhere to appropriate application processes for acquiring a work visa, lest your teaching experience abroad end unceremoniously with your premature departure and subsequent prohibition from reentry.

Typology of Teacher Jobs in Asia

Public schools

In a number of Asian countries, government-sponsored programs make it possible for English teachers to work in public schools. In general, newly qualified TEFL teachers from English-speaking countries (primarily the USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand) are welcome to apply.

For those who have never taught abroad, such programs are often regarded as an excellent opportunity, as competitive compensation, free accommodation and health insurance, and ongoing support or training throughout the contract are frequently included.

Normal working hours are weekdays, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., excluding public holidays, and lengthy school holidays provide TEFL teachers with ample time to discover Asia. However, assignment destinations may not always be at the teacher's discretion and, as such, if a specific city or region is preferred, an alternate option may be worth considering.

Private and international schools

Working in private or international schools is a goal for experienced educators. In major Asian cities like Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Taipei, top international schools teach entirely in English. Therefore, these institutions seek qualified educators not solely for ESL teaching, but particularly those with proficiency in teaching diverse subjects like math, sports, art, and music.

Undeniably, the salaries offered at these prestigious institutions are comparatively lucrative, but the workload is exponentially greater than at private schools or language schools. Additionally, working hours tend to be longer.

Language schools

Asia attracts a large number of ESL teachers seeking employment opportunities and is a hotspot for English language schools. These schools typically offer courses in the evenings, after-school, and on weekends, with some that focus on adult business English offering programs at alternative times. Although salaries are generally lower than in private and foreign schools, many educators appreciate the flexible schedules and the opportunity to work with diverse groups of students.

Private tutoring

English teachers working in Asia often engage in freelance teaching as a means of supplementing their income. This can be done during their spare time or on weekends. Private teaching requests are also common for teachers, but those who work full-time must ensure that their freelance work does not violate any terms of their employment contract.

Volunteer teaching

There exists a notable disparity in several Asian nations between individuals with and without opportunities for English language education. Local public schools, residing both rural and urban regions, find themselves lacking resources and funding to acquire essential teaching materials or recruit adequately trained educators for the English language domain. Owing to such inadequacies, voluntary instructors of English are fervently sought out by organizations such as women's community centres and orphanages. Asian NGOs tirelessly search for volunteers willing to take on unpaid positions and aid in fostering a future of long-term growth for non-English speaking communities.