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There are many jokes buzzing around the relevancy of English classes. The main argument is that when you come to an English-speaking country, it becomes apparent that no one cares about your favourite food, colours, or hobbies. This is why questions arise: Do students still need hobby-themed lessons? Isn't it outdated?
It is well-known to experienced teachers and helpful for beginners to know that Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) is the most effective teaching approach nowadays. Undoubtedly, it is crucial to practice all productive skills, such as writing, speaking, and mediating, as well as receptive skills, like listening, reading, and viewing. However, students will achieve better results if the majority of the lesson is dedicated to speaking practice. Even if you have a reading lesson and you have prepared pre-reading, reading, and post-reading activities, do your best to incorporate these activities into oral language practice.
The topic of holidays and vacations is one of many that can help you activate students' speaking skills. Everyone has related thoughts and ideas to share and discuss. This lesson will not be boring, and students will actively participate and be eager to speak and engage in discussions.