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"I want to learn English!" Millions of people make a similar wish for the new year or write it on their list of grandiose plans. But how many people do you know who have succeeded? In fact, learning a foreign language is more than realistic, but, unfortunately, people give up what they started before they are halfway to success.

The profession of a teacher has been and remains one of the most respected and honorable. But, like many other areas, it has undergone changes and innovations. It is difficult to find students and maintain a high income teaching from Golitsynsky's textbook. People have a huge choice of teachers working in different ways.

Learning English can sometimes seem difficult at any level. Teachers understand this, so they try to diversify the standard lessons with something new and exciting. A large selection of options appears when teaching children. For teachers, games in the classroom are a way to captivate even the most modest and taciturn child. Learning animals in English is a great topic for the youngest students. It fuels sympathy and curiosity. Because everyone loves fluffy cats and fears toothy sharks.