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Jobs as an English teacher in Turkey

Jobs as an English teacher in Turkey

Sunny and warm Turkey is associated by most people with the Mediterranean Sea, beaches, luxury hotels and recreation. Therefore, when a person thinks about moving and a possible career in Istanbul or another city, all doubts are covered by favorable climatic conditions and the hospitality of Turks to visitors.

However, in order to successfully work as a teacher in Turkey, one should thoroughly study the features of this country, the attitude towards foreign teachers and the intricacies of education.

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Let's figure out what difficulties teachers may face and how to find the most suitable option for employment.

Features of employment in Turkey

Often, for Turkish employers, the presence of higher education and its specialization do not play a significant role. You can find a job even with minimal experience: the position of a nanny or a teacher in a kindergarten, a volunteer or a counselor in a summer camp.

If you have a portfolio in which there is a photo or video gallery with your students, confirming the presence of a minimum teaching experience, success is guaranteed. Getting a job to teach children, you need to understand that you will need modesty, respect for Islam, readiness to educate students in compliance with all national traditions. The identity of the teacher is important, so in some cases, links to social media profiles may be asked.

What should a teacher be able to do?

The required level of English proficiency varies from Upper-Intermediate to Advanced. Special requirements are placed on the character of the teacher. Very often, in posted vacancies, you can find a section on personal qualities that they want to see in a teacher:

  • activity and initiative
  • energy,
  • creativity,
  • patience,
  • openness,
  • desire to develop.

Thus, the function of a teacher in Turkish schools is not so much in the transfer of knowledge, but in the ability to get along with children, entertain them, and interest them.

Requirements for candidates

Future employees are not required to be native speakers - good diction and fluent confident spoken English are enough. The duties of a teacher in an average educational institution in Turkey include:

  1. Training according to modern methods depending on age.
  2. Correction and improvement of existing methods, creation of new ones.
  3. Development of activities and creative approach to learning.
  4. Interaction with children: games, dances, songs, quests.
  5. Creating interesting projects, increasing involvement in classes.
  6. Implementation of methodological work.
  7. Organization of an effective educational process: evaluation and control of results.

Certification is not required, but is a huge advantage. Particular attention is paid to the passage of the TEFL/TESOL, which means the ability of a person to develop lesson plans, find the necessary information, as well as possession of methods, techniques, and techniques for transferring knowledge. The completed modules on the features of teaching adults, children, adolescents will help to establish themselves as a highly qualified specialist with an appropriate level of payment.

Thus, you will definitely find a suitable place if:

  • You are fluent in English.
  • You have documents on higher education.
  • You know how to behave, smiling and sociable.
  • Tolerant and versed in national traditions and characteristics.
  • You can reinforce your skills with international certificates.

Most jobs can be found in major cities:

  • Istanbul,
  • Ankara,
  • Izmir,
  • Antalya,
  • Eskishemir,
  • Bursa.

In small provincial towns, the salary can be lower by 30-40%. The most popular teaching related jobs in Turkey are:

  • Kindergarten teacher or assistant teacher.
  • Nanny (babysiter) in a family with knowledge of the language.
  • Teachers in private Turkish schools.
  • Teachers and directors of studies in public schools.
  • Leading trainings and master classes dedicated to the English language.
  • Private early development centers for children.
  • Private language centers for people of all ages.
  • Online teaching for children, teenagers and students.
  • Corporate English training for hotel staff and businessmen.
  • Education of Russian-speaking children according to the educational programs of the Russian Federation.
  • teachers at universities.

A special advantage is given to female teachers - due to the peculiarities of the mentality and the widespread tradition of taking care of the home and children, there are not enough employees in the field of education. However, these same national nuances may cause a lower salary rate. Thus, it is better to discuss the size of the future salary in advance at the interview.

Working conditions for teachers

Employment consists of the following mandatory steps:

  1. Finding a host company,
  2. Signing an employment contract,
  3. Issuing a work permit and issuing a work visa,
  4. Moving and obtaining a residence permit.

All relevant information can be found on the website General Directorate of Immigration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Turkey. As a rule, Turkish companies formalize applicants on the basis of a work visa. It is impossible to agree to illegal labor - at best, you will be forced to pay huge fines, at worst, you will be deported from the country. The same applies to private tutoring - it is better not to engage in it without a work visa.

Many employers offer to try themselves in the field of education during the summer season from March to October, promising to issue recommendations after the successful completion of the period.

Some kindergartens may require Turkish citizenship or a residence permit.

The classic working conditions that foreign teachers receive are:

  • Salary from $300 to $1000 directly depends on knowledge, skills, teaching experience.
  • The number of students in the school is from 7 to 12, in the college - from 25 to 40 people.
  • The working week can consist of 25-40 hours.
  • Saturday can be working, busy with administrative activities: preparing lesson plans, checking control).
  • Accommodation and meals are paid by the educational institution. Many teachers live in a separate room in an apartment with private facilities.
  • The first or second shift depends on the school schedule.
  • Payment of transportation costs within the city.
  • The working contract is drawn up for a period of 6 months to 1 year with the possibility of extension.
  • Registration of documents for legal stay in the country.
  • Registration of medical insurance.
  • Paid vacation from 10 to 14 days depending on the contract.

With relatively low salaries (in China , a teacher receives $2,500 a month, in Korea , he can earn $3,000) - many who have moved are sure that life in Turkey is much more comfortable than with the same money in the CIS countries. This is due to low prices for housing, food and entertainment).

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Required documents

You will need a well-written resume that you submit for a job opening. After the interview, which takes place most often via Skype, you may be asked to send a cover letter or your candidacy is approved and sent the original employment contract and a document confirming the signature of the head of the company (documents may differ depending on the form of ownership of the institution).

This kit must be submitted to the Turkish Consulate in your country. There you get a number that you inform the employer. Within 10 days, he will deal with the procedure for accepting you legally. You will need:

  • Passport and several copies.
  • Diploma, certificate.
  • Two photos 3*4cm,
  • Certificates confirming additional education.
  • Medical certificate.
  • Additional documents if necessary (marriage certificate, birth certificates of children, etc.).

All documents must be apostilled and with a notarized translation. After obtaining a work permit, you must contact the Consulate in order to fill out application for a work visa. Mandatory documents from the Turkish side are: an employment contract, a company certificate indicating the type of activity.

The cost of processing all documents and visas is $ 200-300. In most cases, due to the complexity of the procedure, the receiving party takes over the formalization.

Where to look for vacancies?

The most reliable way to find a trusted and honest employer is to sign a contract with TEFL / TESOL. However, before concluding an agreement, you need to make sure that after receiving the certificate you will really have access to vacancies around the world.

  • You can start your search with online job exchanges:,,,,,
  • You can contact the Association of Russian Culture and Education (branches are located in Alanya, Istanbul, Izmir, Antalya).
  • Required vacancies can be found on the website Turkish Employment Service.
  • A review of special sites can also bring results:,,,,,
  • List of largest companies and required specialists:
  • If you speak Turkish, you can go to,
  • Newspapers with job sections:,
  • Groups in social networks are useful for feedback on places of work, advice, vacancies and real information.
  • International internship for specialists and students.
  • Electronic employment centers.

Employment Options

  • Primary school - teaching Turks basic skills.
  • General secondary schools - free preparation for a future profession, admission to a university.
  • Scientific secondary schools - in-depth study of mathematics and natural sciences, research activities.
  • Anatolian schools are institutions for the specialized study of at least one foreign language, lessons can be conducted in English, German, French.
  • Schools of foreign languages ​​- preparatory institutions for entering universities, intensive study of English, etc.
  • Special Educational Institutions for Youth with Disabilities - Standard Health-Based Education.
  • Schools - vocational specialty training.
  • Popular Universities (Ankara University, Galatasaray University, Gazi University, Marmara University, Cankaya University).

There are three popular Russian-speaking schools with in-depth study of English and Turkish:

  • International Russian School in Antalya.
  • College of Tourism in Antalya.
  • Private Moscow International School.

In Turkey, they treat children very well, so parents try to provide the kids with the best possible education, and teachers are held in high esteem. Finding a job here is comparatively easier because the requirements are much lower than in other countries.

National features of education

Education is compulsory for all children from the age of 3. Kindergartens accept kids up to 6 years old and teach them various disciplines in a playful way, as well as prepare them for school. A feature of preschool education is a large number of kindergartens with classes in Russian and English. Most kindergartens are private and, accordingly, paid.

From the age of 6, little Turks go to school. All schools with state accreditation teach according to a single program.

The secondary school includes 3 years of general direction and 4 years of vocational colleges. After completing grade 12, students take the National Entrance Examination, according to the results of which they are distributed to universities.

Higher education is represented by 117 universities, of which 26 are privately owned. A person with a higher education is ranked among the elite of society, so parents are interested in the success of their children.

English teachers are allowed to follow European fashion in dress, habits and behavior, but too much liberties can lead to conflicts with students' parents. The reverence for Islamic traditions in society is great, which means that even visiting women should be modest, respectful and adhere to strict ethics in dealing with men.