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Mnemonic associations for learning English

People have been looking for an effective way to learn a language for years. The main difficulty is to remember the words and rules. It seems that you read it, it means you learned it, but after a week you don’t remember anything. Therefore, there are a huge number of methods for memorization. Learning by heart is definitely not an option.
This method is suitable if you urgently need to pass an exam in an unloved subject. We are interested in the approach in which English gets into long-term memory. The techniques of mnemonics are valuable knowledge for everyone who is interested in the effective assimilation of information. With their help, teachers will make lessons more effective, and students will remember more words.
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What is mnemonics?
If you ask people about their associations with the word "yellow", they all give different answers. For one, the image of a sunflower will “pop up” in memory, and for the other, a lemon. Mnemonic techniques are different techniques for memorizing expressions that are closely related to the senses. In other words, ideas that each person creates for himself and his thinking. Puzzles understandable only to him.
But, there are also generally accepted phrases that people did not have to learn by heart. They simply borrowed them from English unconsciously, using one of the types of mnemonics.
Expressions such as:
- Screenshot. Taking a "screenshot" of the screen is a common feature of a modern phone.
- Chill out. Today's "teens" often want to "chill" instead of doing their homework.
- Relax. We use it to calm someone down.
- "Open space". Almost every bank employee talks about working in open space.
- Selfie. Social networks have introduced a trend for such photos as "selfies".
For the conscious use of such a technique, the language must be connected in logical chains, vivid pictures, anecdotes, and even sounds and songs. The process of memorization for visuals, auditory, digital and kinesthetics is very different. And the mnemonics are so diverse that it will suit every type. That is why English teachers always ask students to come up with their own examples with new words.
How to memorize English words by association method?
How does associative memorization work in English lessons? Chances are good that you have already used this method unknowingly. It's time to get to know him in detail.
Replenishing the vocabulary, we do not learn the word by heart by letter. After all, they have no meaning in and of themselves. Based on what the new word is most similar to, the brain begins to look for an “anchor” that it can always cling to in case of repetition.
For example:
Smart - smart.
But you have already heard and even used this word, each time taking your “smartphone” out of your pocket.
Or, the term cheater is a deceiver, a swindler; familiar to all fans of computer games.
As you can see, the method of mnemonic associations works for each in its own way. Here you can even use images of people. To remember handsome, imagine Leonardo DiCaprio or the person you think is handsome. Beautiful is easy to learn because there are “beauty salons” in every city, or just say it in front of the mirror every day, so you will also cheer yourself up.
Such techniques work not only with individual words, but also with whole sentences. If you like a certain brand or company, then the best way to improve your vocabulary is to learn its slogan. Probably everyone already knows the Apple motto: “Think different”; or Nike: "Just do it." And if you watched the cartoon "Madagascar", then the phrase " I like to move it " is known to you firsthand.
Mnemonics in English lessons
We figured out how the memorization of words through associations works. Now consider the mnemonic memorization method for each type.
- Cards are the perfect way to capture the attention of visuals, because they can have not only translation and meaning, but also pictures. This applies to everyday words and objects. But the study of abstract concepts and terms will seem difficult.
- Mind maps are suitable for digitals, since building connections plays a big role for the one who created them. In other words, the person will know that he has arranged the information in a certain logical order.
- Phonetic associations are important for the auditory. If you find it easier to memorize information by ear, then do not neglect this method.
For example:
Gym is similar to the word "bench" and this exercise is performed in the gym.
Light - light. Coca-Cola Light is light because it has no calories.
Mnemonic Dictionary of the English Language
It is better to create mnemonic associations on your own, according to an understandable sign. If you go a little deeper into the work of neural connections, then they do not appear immediately, but after repeated repetitions. The brain needs to understand that the information is so important that it makes no sense to put it in a distant drawer. A person invents these very repositories by studying or replenishing the lexical stock. Make your own association dictionary using the following tricks.
Stickers are a well-known means of remembering words in a tangible way. Starting to study the topic "kitchen" in English, people put labels on cutlery and items to memorize words and phrases. Long in preparation, but an effective way to remove information in the "long-term memory" section.
Semantic grouping will help to sort out new vocabulary and grammar. Arrange the words on the topic into three categories: nouns, adjectives and verbs. It would be better if they are the same root.
For example:
Difference, different, differ.
Or use a couple of posters to write out two types of animals: herbivores (herbivores) and carnivores (carnivores).
Auditory exercises are ready-made associations, only by ear. There is no need to remember an image or a similar expression, just repeat it aloud a certain number of times.
Using mnemonics with children
Learning English with the help of mnemonics is also practiced by elementary school. Experienced teachers know how well poems and songs work. Using rhyming very effective practice. Adults also use it, but unconsciously. Have you noticed how well we remember the lyrics of a song that we have heard many times? For young students, this will be an additional entertainment element in the classroom. Most often, rhyme is used in the study of the alphabet, colors and irregular verbs.
Here is a small example:
"I'm in the buffet buy-bought-bought
The most delicious sandwich,
For him I pay-paid-paid,
After the desk lay-laid-laid."
The Cicero method is also suitable for elementary school students. The point is to arrange familiar places in a certain sequence and learn the words in each location in turn. For children, the method can be simplified. The child knows the location of the rooms in the apartment well, so in each room name the furniture or other items in English with him. Then, entering the room, he will understand that there is fork and spoon bed and desk in the bedroom.
When studying the topic of adjectives to describe the appearance and character of people, use the character association method. Take for example any negative character of a famous cartoon. The old woman Shapoklyak or the Wolf from "Just you wait" will fit perfectly. As you speak the words in chorus with the children, ask them how they would describe these characters. Use the same approach with positive definitions.
Associations with pictures
One of the most popular methods of mnemonics is associograms. Its beauty is that it works for all types of people, the main thing is to find the right image. Someone helps their own drawing, for someone it is better to find a picture on the Internet, and the third generally needs a scene from a particular movie. With the latter, it is especially good to study whole expressions, where grammar can be quietly introduced. For example, when studying modal verbs, the teacher takes "screenshots" of some scenes from the series that the student watched at home and asks him what the hero is saying. The practical application of this method is limitless. Indirect speech, phrasal verbs or conditional sentences will all be easier to remember with visual reinforcement.
Another way, ask the student to take a photo in one of the rooms, and depending on the topic of the lesson, he needs to sign and then name each item in this location.
Mnemonics helps to improve the memorization of phrases and expressions, taking into account the peculiarities of memory. These techniques are used by guys who have English at an elementary level, as they are especially acutely aware of the lack of words in communication. It is believed that 1500-2000 words are enough to maintain a basic dialogue, which is why it is so important to master the basic vocabulary. All techniques may not work equally well for everyone. It is important to consider the type of perception. Based on this, you do not have to spend time memorizing everything at once. It has been proven that pictures are processed faster by the human brain than words. But, as we have already found out, not everyone will be able to draw a graphical parallel with the new expression. These techniques are not new, they have been used in various specialties for a long time. Actors use the room method to memorize large amounts of text. Singers unconsciously work with the technique of rhyming. The right approach to learning is not torture, but pleasure. Share in the comments which technique you liked the most and which one you already use.
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