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Responsibilities of an English teacher

Responsibilities of an English teacher

It is the teaching experience that makes it possible to develop the qualities that make teachers become professionals in their field - mentors, motivators and inspirers. In order to become a specialist of the highest category, you need to clearly understand your responsibilities and know what skills should be improved.

A teacher is a calling, but any talent can be revealed only in the process of work.

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Of course, it is the teaching experience that makes it possible to develop the qualities that make teachers become professionals in their field - mentors, motivators and inspirers. In order to become a specialist of the highest category, you need to clearly understand your responsibilities and know what skills should be improved.

What is the difference between responsibilities and skills?

It is not enough just to convey educational information, it is necessary to involve in the learning process and interest in methodological material. Job descriptions for teachers in educational institutions are developed on the basis of professional standards. The teacher is obliged:

  • have a professional education
  • educate children on the basis of priority areas of education,
  • provide a healthy, safe, inclusive learning environment,
  • build partnerships with all participants in the educational process,
  • follow the laws and legal acts in the regulations of educational activities,
  • carefully carry out educational work,
  • continuously improve professional level,
  • use modern methods and technologies.

The duties of a teacher, in general, include the ability to organize the educational process, mastery of various teaching methods, compliance with the directions and teaching techniques of the laws and established trends in education.

In the process of performing duties, the teacher uses personal skills that help him cope with the tasks.

English teacher skills

In addition to standards, the teacher needs skills that can be obtained in the process of long-term teaching English to other people, among them:

  • conducting engaging activities,
  • development of author's methods of work,
  • having organizational skills,
  • the ability to objectively assess the level of knowledge of students.

But even this is not enough to become a specialist in the field of pedagogy. Truly valuable personnel are able not only to captivate in their subject, but also become an example for their students, motivating them to succeed and charging them with optimism. To become a unique teacher, you need to be a psychologist, a fan of your chosen profession, be able to prioritize and know English flawlessly, improving every day.

Job Responsibilities of an English Teacher

The duties of a teacher are identical in different educational institutions. The English teacher must:

  • To carry out training and education of schoolchildren and adolescents, taking into account the specifics of the subject being studied.
  • Conduct classes in accordance with the regulations of the educational institution.
  • Develop a curriculum, implementing an educational program according to the standards of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Monitor progress and attendance.
  • Participate in the life of the educational institution, including meetings and meetings with parents.
  • Systematically improve professional qualifications.

Many institutions additionally indicate the following requirements for teachers:

  • Knowledge of communication strategies in the target language.
  • Application of interdisciplinary connections and integration of English with other sciences.
  • Information and digital literacy.
  • Psychological competence.
  • Emotional-ethical competence.
  • Possession of the skills of pedagogical partnership.
  • Skills of inclusive interaction.
  • Knowledge of health technologies.
  • Strong planning and forecasting skills.
  • The desire to increase the level of innovativeness of the educational process.
  • Reflection abilities.

Possession of these skills helps the teacher to get the highest qualification category.

Responsibilities of a teacher in different educational institutions

In kindergarten, for teaching a foreign language, it is important to use various methods for children of primary preschool age, taking into account the preparation and capabilities of the kids.

The demand for knowledge of the English language is associated not only with the factor of education, but is also one of the foundations of social well-being.

Despite the fact that children perceive information better than adults, it is important to know the learning goals of preschoolers. These include:

  • formation of primary communication skills in English;
  • development of interest in the culture of other countries;
  • the ability to express thoughts in a foreign language to achieve goals.

The goals of applying the skills of a teacher when learning English according to the school curriculum:

  • the acquisition by students of their own style of oral and written communication.
  • improving knowledge of English grammar.
  • confident possession of different types of learning activities in the classroom.
  • use of English for intercultural communication.
  • development of design thinking.
  • demonstration of high marks for various types of activity.

Literacy of school graduates is necessary for successful continuation of education at the university and adaptation to the regularly changing conditions of modern society.

Pedagogical goals of a university teacher

The purpose of teaching English in universities is the formation of communication skills, which implies the knowledge of a foreign language as part of a course for professional and personal communication.

  • Formation of communicative competence of students.
  • Ability to integrate professional knowledge with knowledge of the English language.
  • Ability to think critically and analyze information.
  • Orientation in the English-language information and digital space.
  • Independent formation of motivation for learning English.

Educational goals of tutoring and teaching in private schools

Particular attention should be paid to the level of preparation of students. Depending on this, you can understand the tasks of the tutor:

  • conduct training from scratch;
  • study in depth "problem" topics;
  • improve comprehension and communication skills in English;
  • prepare for the exams.

How is certification and achievement of pedagogical goals related?

The main task of any teacher is to teach the basic rules of grammar and spelling, free communication in English, and the susceptibility of foreign speech by ear.

TEFL/TESOL online courses help you become a highly qualified specialist through the studied innovations in the field of education.

Methodological material, professional vocabulary, the ability to be patient and restrained are important both for a teacher and for an ordinary person. Therefore, in the TEFL & TESOL certification courses, several blocks of information have been created, after which the final testing takes place.

Obtaining a certificate for teaching a foreign language is the best investment in the future, as it is prestigious and honorable, so you need to regularly update your knowledge and meet international requirements and standards in the field of education.

If you decide to become a teacher or replenish your own knowledge, then the TEFL / TESOL certificate is a confirmation of your qualifications in teaching English.


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English is in demand in the modern world. Thanks to knowledge, you can find a new job, teach remotely, travel and combine with the main field of activity. If you are interested in testing your knowledge, learning about the curriculum, relocating, and learning about new educational methods in English, then the TESOL certification is for you. An interactive course with practical tasks, audio and video lessons will become a new step in professional development.

The certificate allows you to work remotely and is suitable for obtaining a work visa in other countries. This means that with a TEFL/TESOL certificate, you can work anywhere in the world, discovering new opportunities.

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