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Retraining courses for English teachers

Retraining or retraining of teachers is the process of obtaining new knowledge in the form of taking courses online or offline with the issuance of a certificate or diploma after the final test or exam.
Retraining or retraining of teachers is the process of obtaining new knowledge in the form of taking courses online or offline with the issuance of a certificate or diploma after the final test or exam. These courses are for those who want to:
- work in the field of education
- change the subject taught
- teach a different age group,
- become an English tutor
- get a job or additional education.
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Retraining programs are designed to ensure that a person with any education (primary, secondary, incomplete or complete higher) receives a new specialty and starts working. As a rule, training takes from 3 to 6 months.
Retraining of an English teacher
Retraining involves an in-depth and intensive study of the chosen areas. There are several opportunities to change activities or get an actual profession with the help of retraining:
- The study of traditional pedagogical methods of teaching English according to the norms of the Federal.
- The choice of specialized courses for obtaining a diploma or certificate according to international standards.
Correspondence retraining courses according to the norms of the Federal State Educational Standard
Conventionally, the types of retraining can be divided according to the age of students. For those who are just planning to teach children or are already a teacher, there are such areas:
- Theory and methods of studying English in elementary grades.
- Theory and methods of teaching English in preschool educational institutions.
- Preschool teacher.
- Educator of preschool educational institutions.
- Pedagogy and methods of preschool education.
- Psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children.
- Theory and methodology of primary education with additional training in the field of teaching a foreign language in primary grades.
As you can see, some are suitable for novice teachers (for example, such general areas as “Teacher / educator of preschool educational institutions”, “Pedagogy and methods of preschool education”), the rest are designed for those who want to improve their professional level, expand their work responsibilities or get a job as a teacher in a public school.
For those teachers who want to teach schoolchildren or college students, the following retraining options are suitable:
- English teacher.
- Foreign language in educational organizations
- Theory and Methods of Teaching English in Educational Organizations
- Problems and difficulties in language learning in different age categories.
- Rules and features of teaching grammar and oral speech.
- Modern methods of teaching a foreign language in middle and high school.
- Features of language teaching in educational institutions.
- Theory and methods of teaching English in secondary schools.
- Pedagogy and psychology of secondary education.
- Pedagogy of secondary special education.
- Specialist in social and organizational psychology.
In general, GEF teacher courses have the following advantages:
- Acquaintance with the basic concepts of education in Russia.
- Ability to organize the educational process according to the rules and standards of the Federal State Educational Standard.
- Opportunity to work in schools, technical schools, colleges, kindergartens in the Russian Federation and countries with which agreements on mutual recognition and equivalence of education documents have been signed (Belarus, Kazakhstan, etc.).
If your goal is to get a job in a general public school or lyceum, college or technical school, then you should pay attention to the GEF courses.
Retraining courses according to international standards
An alternative to both advanced training and retraining are special accredited courses that are authorized to issue certificates recognized throughout the world.
Such courses include TEFL & TESOL online courses. What are their advantages?
- People who dream of teaching English, having received a certificate, will be able to apply for a work visa for employment abroad.
- Beginners in the profession will be able to try teaching online to foreign students.
- The courses study modern educational methods: teaching ESP, ways of teaching the language of engineers, lawyers, accountants, CLIL methodology, teaching EAP, etc.
With a TEFL & TESOL certification, you will be able to:
- Become an English tutor at home or away
- Submit a resume to a school, both general education and private (the demand for teachers is high, so every applicant counts).
- Get a job at a college, technical school or university because the curriculum includes a module dedicated to teaching at a college or institute.
- Go Abroad - TEFL/TESOL means Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages / Teaching English as a Foreign Language, i.e. after passing the certification, you will receive a promising profession that is in demand all over the world.
- Get access to the database of verified vacancies in China, Korea, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Europe, etc.
What to choose for retraining?
If your goal is a teaching position in a public school, public kindergarten or college, then we recommend that you check with the administration whether the TEFL / TESOL certificate is suitable for employment.
In other cases - private English classes, private educational institutions, work as an English teacher abroad, a vacancy in the teaching of courses - TEFL & TESOL.
International accreditation gives you many more career opportunities: higher salary, the basis for obtaining a work visa, as well as improving the quality of your resume.
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Teach English! It is the best way to earn money.
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Get it nowTravel, work online, get a job abroad, or be
an EFL and ESL teacher in your country.
Retraining does not always mean a quick change or getting a new job, however, the international TEFL / TESOL certificate gives open access to an updated database of vacancies for life. A database of 36,000 vacancies and unlimited employment assistance are guarantees that, after passing the exam, you will not only not be left without a job, but also get it in a short time and with a salary of $2,500.