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Tasks for the English alphabet

Tasks for the English alphabet

The first acquaintance of children and adults who begin to learn the language occurs with a cheerful song about the alphabet. Usually, those who quit classes many years ago only remember her from the school curriculum.

Why is it important to know letters? Firstly, it gives an understanding of the difference between vowels and consonants, because the articles "a" and "an" will soon be used. Secondly, the first dialogue and acquaintance, as a rule, helps us to use the knowledge of letters and spelling for a detailed explanation of the name and surname, for example, in a hotel.

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Knowing the letters will help children realize that the Russian language is not at all like English. Gradually, the pronunciation of seemingly the same letters will be different. However, it won't do much if you don't focus on the sounds. As you can see, everything is interconnected, and one topic leads to another. There are already a lot of rules and exceptions here, so we have prepared interesting activities for children that will help avoid banal cramming. Let's start with exercises that are relevant for elementary school children.

Tasks for the English alphabet for grade 1

Usually first-graders cannot boast of discipline and perseverance, so this fact significantly complicates the task of teachers. You have to not only explain the task, but also get the students interested in its implementation. The game form at the age of 6-8 helps to develop a keen interest in learning and clearly demonstrate that it is not so boring.

A few simple yet effective things can make a big difference in your lesson:

  • emotions;
  • praise;
  • gestures;
  • intonation;
  • small prizes as an incentive;
  • competitions and competitions.

Since few begin to learn the language from kindergarten, as a rule, the first acquaintance begins only in the first grade. Consider several options for how to present the alphabet to children and how to repeat it for better memorization.


On the Internet, a large number of songs on this topic have been collected. However, we recommend using only the simplest ones in the first lesson. Since children do not yet have a vocabulary, there is no need to overload them with unnecessary information. Let it be just a cheerful and perky melody where you will sing abcd... together with the students. It has been proven that rhyming or even melodic repetition of phrases at some familiar pace has a positive effect on memory. Learning goes easier with music!

On this channel you will be able to find a lot of nice videos to sing along in class. Use a fun song with gestures to add some physical activity and laughter to the lesson. Children will show the learned letters with their hands and do it faster and faster to the music.

Missing letter

Once the children remember everything in a certain order, it's time to complicate the task a bit and teach them to distinguish between letters, even if the usual order is broken. Instead of a space, the student needs to name the loss. You can start the task like this: “Children, some letters have escaped from the alphabet, help me catch them.”

A ___  C  D   E   F__    __   H  I   K   L  M
O   P   __   R   S  ___   U   V   W   X  Y   __


Use bright pictures to give examples. In this case, children replenish their vocabulary and name the letter with which the given word begins. Distribute the cards in their usual order. However, next time we recommend to complicate and pull them out randomly. So they get used to the fact that the letters do not always follow each other as in the song.

Words for flashcards:

  • apple;
  • bus;
  • cake;
  • dog;
  • elephant;
  • fish;
  • guitar;
  • house;
  • insect;
  • jacket;
  • key;
  • lamp;
  • mouse;
  • nose;
  • orange;
  • pencil;
  • queen;
  • ruler;
  • scarf;
  • umbrella;
  • van;
  • window;
  • excursion;
  • xylophone;
  • you;
  • zebra.

English alphabet exercises for grade 2

In the second grade, children are already used to the load, so the tasks become a little more difficult. They focus on spelling and reading. Students need attention and diligence. But in order for them not to get bored, set a timer and limit them in time. Some tasks are best done together, calling students one by one to answer so that no one is left behind.

Find b and d

Young students often confuse b and d, however, this is mainly due to inattention. Everyone can complete such a task on their own at a desk, and you will only warm up the excitement by mentioning the limited time. Prepare a sticker or sticker for someone to count the number of b and d in the sequence.

b b d b b d d d b d b d d d b d b b d b d b b b d b

Find p and q

In continuation of the previous task, you can continue the round up to 3 wins. This way, the kids can have some fun in class while still being attentive.

How many p and q you see here?

q p q q p p q q q p q q p q q p q p q p q q p p q q

Find m and n

Circle the letter m, and underline the letter n. How many m and n in the sequence?

m n m n n m n n m m m n m n m m n n m m n n m n m

Lowercase and uppercase

Before the guys begin to write beautifully and clearly in their copybook, it is important to give them a good example. Explain what small and large letters are for. Call everyone to the board to connect lowercase and uppercase.

A f
E b
H d
J g
I c
F l
C h
K a
G e
B i
D j
M n
P o
Q s
R t
S q
U r
V w
W x
Y z
Z y
X v
N m
T u
O p