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Methods of teaching English

Methods of teaching English

Teaching methodology is a set of methods, techniques, technologies and ways of learning a language. As a rule, this is a clear algorithm of actions that will allow you to learn English from scratch to an advanced level.

Tutors must be fluent in the methodological basis of teaching, because the final result of their work depends on it. In addition, knowledge of the theory is a guarantee of employment in prestigious universities, private schools and kindergartens.

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Modern teaching methods

The modern method of teaching English is built on the basis of the classical method of learning foreign languages. However, the psychological aspect, foreign cinema, information technology had an impact on her. The methods of teaching English used 20 years ago were more of a reproductive nature. Learn the words, read the text, listen to the audio recording, write a letter - this is how the tasks that the tutor gave looked like. Perhaps for this reason, most adults who have studied the language for many years can read and write in English but have difficulty speaking.

Modern methods of teaching English have changed reproductive methods to interactive ones. Today, obtaining knowledge is an interaction between a student and a teacher. The curriculum is built, first of all, taking into account the age characteristics of students. For preschoolers and younger students, such a type of lesson as a game, travel, video, competition, and others is more suitable. An adult student prefers a classical lesson. For this age, traditional tasks are also suitable: compose a story, do an exercise, read the text, perform listening, and so on. Writing a story allows you to learn how to use active and passive vocabulary, expand vocabulary, and improve conversational speech. Doing exercises helps to learn grammatical material. Reading the text forms not only reading skills, but also immerses in the culture and traditions of the language being studied. Listening - improves understanding of oral speech.

Effective Methods for Learning English

English language learning

But do not forget that the most effective methods of learning English are interactive. Therefore, the method of immersion in the language environment is now very popular. This technique teaches to "think" in English. The study of a foreign language takes place entirely in English. This is real not only in a bilingual family, but also in a regular class. It is enough for the teacher to fully conduct the lesson in English, to use visualization. To build a lesson in such a way that, despite the foreign language, students understand the teacher. The high level of training of the teacher will allow such a lesson to be held even for the smallest. If earlier parents of preschoolers and younger schoolchildren were frightened by this method, now, seeing the enthusiastic eyes of children and their progress, they recognized the effectiveness of this technique. After all, the best method of learning English is the one that arouses interest in learning.

Combination of teaching methods

Many teachers combine different methods, use both immersion in the language environment and a classical lesson in their work. Knowledge of the methodology of teaching English, psychology and pedagogy allows them to identify the peculiarities of perception and thinking, to select the necessary methods and forms of work. Indeed, along with the English lesson, other forms of organizing classes are also popular: a round table, a concert, a language club, a conference, olympiads and many others. This allows you to include a large number of students in the language environment.

As motivation increases, skills improve. If earlier the question of how to teach spoken English was open, now a person of any age can be taught to speak a foreign language. Of course, the older the person, the more work to be done. And here a lot depends not even on the age of the student, but on the initial level of knowledge, motivation and diligence. However, the immersion method will allow not only to learn the language, but also to organize leisure activities with benefit. Its peculiarity is that the teacher not only leads the lesson, but also controls the consolidation of the studied topic. The classic homework has been replaced by recommendations: watch a movie in English, talk to a native speaker, listen to a song, and complete tasks. Watching films in English is a task that not only teaches you to understand foreign speech, but can also become interesting entertainment. It improves pronunciation, helps to better express your thoughts in English. Communication with a native speaker helps to develop the skill of understanding oral speech. After such practice, any foreigner is not afraid! Listening to songs in English is no longer a new, but always an interesting form of listening. Recently, computer games in English have also become popular. They are used not only for teaching children, but also adults. And we are talking not only about educational games, but also story games, arcades, simulators, role-playing and others.

Of course, some students are more suited to the traditional way of learning. Its basis is the study of lexical and grammatical material with the subsequent completion of tasks. Knowledge of psychology will help the teacher improve the foreign language skills of any student using any method.

Sometimes it is difficult to choose between the immersion method and the traditional method. To choose which method is best to learn English, it is best to try learning the language in different ways. But there is not always time to attend many different courses and choose the best one. In this case, you should rely on the goal of learning a foreign language. For those who want to learn how to speak English, the communicative method is more suitable. It improves speech, thinking, creativity. It goes well with various forms of organizing classes. This technique is based on the principle of group interaction. The main forms of work: business games, project activities, group work, conferences. Thanks to communication with students with different levels of language proficiency, conversational speech improves, the so-called "language barrier" disappears.

The need to learn English leaves no chance for anyone. Some do not want to learn a language with a teacher and choose the self-learning method. This method has been around for a long time. When self-instruction books and phrasebooks appeared on sale. People began to make attempts to learn languages ​​themselves. But independent work is not just reading a textbook or listening to a CD. If a computer program can still correct mistakes, develop skills, then direct, pick up assignments for consolidation, support - this is only possible for a person. Therefore, those who try to learn the language on their own do not often succeed. This method is best used only at the initial stage, to obtain a base. Or to supplement classes with a teacher.

In addition to teaching methods, there are many disputes among teachers regarding the selection of particular methods. For example, learning to read may begin with the study of letters and sounds, which then make up words. Or maybe the method of the whole word. The latter is especially well applicable for creating a language environment. It helps to better memorize words, sentences, improves conversational speech. The choice of teaching aid also depends on the teaching methodology. In the modern world, this is not only a textbook, but also a workbook, CDs and DVDs, and training programs. A well-chosen learning tool is a help not only to the student, but also to the teacher. Ideally, the curriculum, textbook, teaching methods are selected individually for each student.

There are several levels of English that are described in this article .

What is the best way to learn a foreign language?

Group English training

Also, many are concerned about another question: “What is the best way to learn a foreign language: in a pair, in a group or individually?”. Here, too, much depends on the individual characteristics, goals and objectives of the student. To improve your speaking skills, it is better to select group classes. They can be organized using the communicative method or immersion. To prepare for the exam, individual work with a teacher is well suited. It is usually built using the traditional technique or in combination with the immersion method.

Choosing a methodology for learning English can seem difficult, but for the right choice, you just need to rely on the criteria outlined above:

  1. The purpose of the lessons.
  2. Level of preparation.
  3. Psychological comfort.
  4. Motivation.

Teaching Methods for Preschoolers

Many parents become interested in learning a language from a very young age. However, a child under the age of 5 learns words automatically and does not yet understand the rules. Therefore, it is recommended that kids get acquainted with the alphabet, colors, names of toys, fruits, etc. in a playful way. It is better to leave more thorough training until school age.

The methodology for preschoolers includes the following rules:

  • The main thing is not to memorize, but to interest. Therefore, it would be right to hire a tutor who is fluent in various forms of training children and has all the necessary didactic materials.
  • Consistency is the key to success. It is advisable to work with one tutor who will determine the characteristics of the child and will gradually develop each of the important skills: writing, speaking, knowledge of grammar.
  • The tutor should not only know English, but also be able to play. Games, cartoons, songs, dances - this is exactly what teaching methods for preschoolers are based on.
  • The teacher for the kid should be chosen according to personal qualities. Quite often there is a situation when a teacher with a higher education cannot find an approach to the child, while a person with the same courses behind him knows how to console the baby, talk to him, and even learn a song in English in between. Therefore, pay attention not to education, but to the flexible skills of the tutor.

The classic methods for teaching in kindergarten are:

Montessori teaching children

The main goal is to encourage the child to learn the language on their own. As a rule, a separate room is arranged for this, where pictures, books, cubes, musical toys, etc. are placed, which may arouse the interest of the child.

The role of the tutor is secondary. He cannot offer the child certain material, punish and praise - he only observes the process and helps in case of emergency.

The goal of Montessori is the development of the intellectual abilities of the child. Of the minuses can be identified:

  • lack of sequence
  • the inability to check the result,
  • instilling in the child the habit of learning freely and without rules, which can affect academic performance in the future.

The Montessori method can be used for extracurricular or home studies, it is not suitable for a tutor, because it is impossible to predict the result of such training and stimulate the child's interest.

Doman technique

The bottom line is to quickly memorize words in English using flashcards with images. The child is shown pictures with animals, household items, food, and he pronounces the names. The main goal is to form an association between the subject and its name in English.

This method has both pros and cons. In our opinion, the use of one technique is uninteresting for the child and unproductive for the tutor. In addition, one type of memory works - visual. Such training is rather additional or initial. Thus, Doman's cards are one of the options for teaching kids, which in the future should be supplemented with other types of acquaintance with the language.

Zaitsev's technique

English is taught with the help of cubes on which syllables and words are written. Basically this method is used to teach children to read. Beautiful bright cubes and special checklists help the child to pronounce words correctly. The technique is suitable for both small and elementary school students as an additional way to learn the language.

Methods of teaching in elementary school

In elementary school, a child differs little from a preschooler, so you should not limit yourself to textbooks and work in a notebook. There are many techniques that will help children learn the language and play.

Moreover, modern foreign studies show that you can learn English with the help of other subjects - this is how the child receives more relevant knowledge and learns to immediately use the language in real life.

Consider several methods that are actively used to work with primary school students:

Teaching through games

In the process of learning English in a playful way, the teacher can use any opportunity: drawing, playing with dolls and soldiers, modeling from plasticine, active outdoor games.

This approach is better than learning the language from textbooks, but it is worth paying attention to how it is perceived by children. If the level of self-discipline allows not only to play, but also to learn the subject, then this method can be successfully used.

Project study

Children or the teacher choose topics for each lesson, make projects, and then reinforce knowledge with tests. An interesting and promising option, thanks to which you can learn not only the language, but also geography, biology, history, art, etc. Suitable for both children and teenagers.

During the project study, students can watch films in English, read literature in the original, and independently collect the information necessary for the project. This approach, among other things, trains the skills of self-education, which remains relevant for the rest of your life.

Training according to Meshcheryakova

The official name is "I love English". It is aimed at simple language learning that will cause joy and pleasure. The program has several blocks, which depend on the age of the child.

Young children learn the language with the help of funny songs performed by a native speaker.

Older children are completely immersed in the language environment - the teacher speaks only English. Even those actions that are not related to the lesson are also described in the language being studied. At the next stage, the guys learn to read, then write, and then analyze the material in oral and written forms.

The effectiveness of the methodology in the sequential learning of the language, which at the same time is difficult - under such conditions, the same teacher should teach the lessons so as not to skip the stages.

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Methods of teaching at school

An important factor in the education of adolescents is the development of not only language skills, but also the ability to communicate with peers, build their own value system, and adhere to the chosen goals.

Thus, the teacher must present material that would simultaneously educate a whole, happy and educated person. Such methods include:


CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning is a subject-language integrated learning) - the study of other subjects in English - this can be mathematics, literature, physical education and much more. Advantages of this method:

  • all-round development of the child,
  • parallel study of other subjects,
  • interesting presentation of material
  • a set of different techniques: listening, speaking, writing.

It is actively used in private English-speaking schools, colleges and kindergartens, where all subjects are taught in foreign languages. This approach is very effective, especially if the child is introduced to it from a very young age.

Within the framework of CLIL, it is allowed to conduct lessons in psychology, sociology, ethics and cultural studies in order to cover not only English grammar, but also the fundamental basics of human education.

Bilingual method

The peculiarity is in the parallel translation of everything that the teacher says. The method involves watching videos with subtitles, reading bilingual books, simultaneous translation of direct speech. Efficiency is enhanced if a teenager has the opportunity to speak English with his family at home.

As a rule, a tutor focuses on sociocultural materials so that a person understands the difference in the use of words and at the same time gets acquainted with the culture of the country.

This method is especially useful for those teenagers who plan to study abroad.

Targeted learning

A popular approach used in courses or in the classroom. The teacher gives a topic that the students must independently work out and present - after the speech, the teacher gives recommendations that need to be implemented to improve the assimilation of the topic.

General recommendations for teaching children

  • Combine. You should not be limited to only one way, it will be better if the child is familiar with all the possible options and chooses a few that he especially likes.
  • Experiment. The teacher has the right to deviate from the classical canons, if he is sure that this will be beneficial. Watch cartoons, social short films, clips, read comics in the lesson. Even if it is against the methodology, it can be useful for the student.
  • Come up with your own methods. It often happens that a teacher, after working with children for several years, can independently create several original working methods. For example, teaching conversational speech by voice messages or by writing posts on social networks.
  • Get additional education. Life does not stand still, as do the skills that need to be improved. If you feel that your diploma is not enough or if you want to move to a higher paying position, for example, in a private school, consider upgrading your qualifications. So, you will know the latest trends in education and make your resume better. You can improve your pedagogical level by taking special TEFL & TESOL courses.

Language Teaching Methods for Tutors

  • bilingual and multilingual method,
  • through translations,
  • direct conversational method,
  • "speaking class"
  • emotional-semantic approach,
  • training and retraining courses,
  • online teaching.

Bilingual and multilingual methods

Often parents want the teacher to be able not only to do homework with the child, but also to introduce him to English literature, cinema, history or teach him to understand modern news.

The tutor will need special authentic books, where the text is divided into two columns - in foreign and in Russian. With the help of such books, the child can match and compare expressions, phrases, words.

Subtitled news will also help you learn modern English speech, pronunciation and, in general, the mentality of the nation.

The multilingual method assumes the same thing only in several foreign languages. Recently Asian, Spanish and Portuguese languages ​​are in demand.

Learning a language through translations

This method is based on the translation of texts, during which a person replenishes vocabulary and learns the grammatical rules found in phrases. Types of jobs:

  • dictionary work,
  • active reading both aloud and silently,
  • maintaining your own vocabulary with vocabulary by topic.

This type of learning should be supervised by a tutor, because there is a risk of learning the pronunciation of words incorrectly and not understanding the grammar rules.

Direct conversational method

The purpose of this method is the assimilation of colloquial speech and the active use of the language in everyday life. Such a study is often used in courses and for express English. Features of speech, pronunciation and vocabulary are acquired quickly, but there may be gaps in grammar.

An excellent option is the combination of the direct method and the translation.

"Talking Class"

The teacher acts as an observer, while students communicate with each other on a given or free topic, using their knowledge. This method encourages self-study of the language and consolidation of the material covered with others in this format.

More suitable for students or as an additional way to improve spoken language when it comes to adults.

Emotional-semantic approach

A relatively new method, which is based on free communication between the teacher and students from the first lesson. The idea is that the student chooses a personal story, role, name that is suitable for a native speaker and tells about himself as a resident of England. The success of such lessons will depend on the skill of the teacher, who must teach a person not only to tell fictional stories, but also to navigate grammar.

Training courses

Preparatory certification courses are also gaining popularity as a method of teaching English. A significant advantage is the possibility of obtaining a certificate after graduation. Courses are individual and group, aimed at passing IELTS, TOEFL, TEFL/TESOL, or simply educational. In the case of this option, you should carefully read reviews, check accreditation and compare spending and prospects.

The communicative technique, which is gaining popularity both for children and adults, deserves special attention.