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English teacher resume

English teacher resume

The teaching profession is important and promising. Many famous people in their interviews do not hide the fact that it was talented teachers who helped them succeed. However, even if you are a teacher by vocation and wholeheartedly devoted to your work, you still need to know how to write a resume correctly.

A well-written resume is an opportunity to get a good job, so the creation and design of this document should be given enough time and attention.

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How to write a resume?

Knowledge of the language is the main advantage for those who dream of working abroad. However, just mentioning the level of English proficiency is not enough. It is important to adhere to the structure of the resume when compiling it. Let's focus on the main sections of the document.

A classic CV should consist of the following sections:

  • a clear goal of the search (Career Goal),
  • review of career achievements (Career Summary),
  • work experience (Employment History),
  • education (Education),
  • key skills (Skills).

A clear search goal

The first section of the resume is the designation of the desired position. Do not use generic phrases in this section. The ideal option would be to register these data for each company separately.

Incorrect: "A young promising specialist is looking for a job in a dynamically developing company in a managerial position."

Correct: "I am an English tutor with 1.5 years of experience, I want to take the position of an English teacher at Parsons School of Design, New York."

If you have no work experience or want to change occupation, this should also be indicated: “I am a certified marketing specialist with 2 years of experience in the position of Project Manager, I want to change occupation and get a position as an English teacher in children's Garden , New York.

The more clearly you define the position you want to take, the more likely you are to get it.

Brevity and accuracy are the two main criteria at this stage. It is also allowed to declare a vacancy “for growth”: “I am a talented administrator with 5 years of experience, I would like to become the head of the sales department in your company within 1.5 years. Ready to start as a Sales Manager.”

Overview of career achievements

When writing this paragraph, you should adhere to the unspoken rule - write, answering the question: "How can I help your company achieve market goals."

Here you can describe not only the places of work, but also your professional duties. At the end, you can note what knowledge and skills you have acquired in the course of working in a particular position.

“My 5 years of experience in project management, where I managed a project from the moment of idea to delivery to the client, helped me to achieve a high level of self-discipline, the ability to work with a team of different people and make decisions in conditions of uncertainty.”

Work experience

One of the most difficult sections, in which the following data must be indicated:

  • Chronology of places of work.
  • Your achievements in each of the places of work.

It is important to state the results in a measurable way - "water" sounds lame.

Not properly:

  • significantly increased the company's income,
  • increased the customer base
  • increased brand awareness,
  • developed an innovative product
  • rallied the team
  • taught students well.


  • increased the number of conversions on the site by 300%,
  • reduced the cost per click in contextual advertising by 1.5 times,
  • increased the number of subscribers by 800 people,
  • helped the student to pass the entrance exam in English at Moscow State Linguistic University with 5 points,
  • taught 10 children English to the level of Elementary in a year of teaching in a private kindergarten.

Even insignificant achievements, in your opinion, still sound better than lengthy and obscure results.


In this part of the resume, you must enter all the education you have received:

  • university or college (full name, years of study, diploma number and code, specialty, academic degree);
  • additional courses (year of study, city, name of courses, availability of a certificate);
  • webinars, online conferences, master classes;
  • viewed online lectures.

A significant competitive advantage when applying for a job as an English teacher will be an indication of the availability of a special TEFL & TESOL, which confirms your level of language proficiency. When choosing between two candidates, the employer is more likely to give preference to the one whose level of English is documented.

Key skills

Here you need to prescribe your main skills and the level of possession of them. According to expert recruiters, in this chapter you can not be modest and point out even the most seemingly insignificant skills.

For example:

  • I have oral and written communication skills in English,
  • I can quickly find a common language with children of different ages,
  • in a playful way I solve conflicts in a children's and teenage team,
  • I can easily speak in front of a large number of people,
  • I make beautiful and interesting presentations in the classroom,
  • I come up with activities that captivate students for several hours,
  • I know how to resolve conflict in a group of students,
  • keep up to date with the latest in computer technology
  • I can write funny rhymes in English,
  • I make my own exercises to practice English,
  • I quickly understand gadgets, etc.

Each of your skills described here can be a trigger for a potential employer, so describe in detail each positive characteristic.

Resume for a teaching position at a university

A good resume should take up to two pages, in which you briefly and concisely talk about yourself and your achievements. If you have awards, published articles or books that are related to your professional activities, be sure to include the "Awards and Recognition" section.

Each resume, especially if it is about a foreign higher education institution, should be personalized - be sure to indicate the full title of the position you are applying for and the full name of the university or college.

Leave only relevant contacts that will help you contact you quickly and the first time.

It is considered good form to design a resume in special programs so that it is easier for a recruiter to read and perceive information. such service is, where in the Resume section you will find many templates for different professions.

Resume of an English teacher at a university
Sample resume

The text in the document should be structured, highlighting the main information in italics or bold. The font size of the body text should be within 11-12 pt, 14-16 pt can be used for headings. Keep a spacing of at least 1.2, use bulleted lists, and email the document as a PDF so it stays the way you designed it.

Before sending a resume, ask a colleague or friend who knows English to read it to avoid annoying typos and mistakes.

A significant advantage would be adding a cover or recommendation letter to the resume from past jobs or contacts.

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Resume for school teacher

When analyzing a candidate for the role of a school English teacher, special attention is paid to the ability not only to conduct lessons, but also to organize extra-curricular activities.

In addition, educational trends indicate that the ability to conduct lessons for children with disabilities, knowledge of psychological methods when working with special children are becoming relevant skills.

School English Teacher Resume
Sample resume

An important factor in making a decision on the candidacy of the applicant will be either a teacher education or completed certification courses, for example, TEFL & TESOL, which teach teaching methodology to schoolchildren.

A new trend is the indication of links to social networks, which can also be used to make a portrait of a teacher.

How to write a resume for a kindergarten job?

Personnel officers pay special attention to those candidates who can independently organize classes for children, that is, a kindergarten teacher, as a rule, knows how to spend a minute of physical education, creative classes, preparation for school, and independence lessons.

The more functional duties a candidate can cover, the higher the probability of getting a position.

School English Teacher Resume
Sample resume

Lesson planning and knowledge control is also an important part of the work of an English teacher in kindergarten. Many leaders, especially in private preschools, want potential candidates to know many methods: Montessori development, Zaitsev's method, Doman's method, Waldorf method, Nikitin's development. CLIL popular in foreign kindergartens - content-language integrated learning, during which the child learns not only English, but interacts with society, gets to know different cultures, and develops thinking.

It will be a plus if the applicant is familiar with the techniques for developing emotional intelligence in children. Thus, an English teacher in kindergarten is a universal teacher, whose goal is not only to teach the language, but also to develop in the child the ability to think, make decisions, interact with people, understand themselves and others.

Professional skills of an English teacher

Depending on the place where you are going to send your resume, there are several directions:

What does a university teacher need to know?

  • Engage an adult audience. This requires a broad outlook (this will be indicated in the resume by participation in various conferences, the presence of published scientific articles, an interesting hobby).
  • Maintain the level of discipline in the classroom (in skills, you can specify the ability to monitor attendance, the ability to think through intermediate knowledge control).
  • Be able to communicate with students (can be noted in skills: creating a channel or group in the messenger, holding extra-curricular joint events). Have developed emotional intelligence (the ability to treat everyone equally without highlighting favorites).
  • The ability to use gadgets to diversify the learning process (there may be a computer literacy course in education, and the ability to use a projector, laptop, webcam should also be recorded in skills).
  • Use all available data for education (YouTube channels, Instagram, language learning apps, podcasts).

What should an English teacher be able to do in school?

  • Engage children in the subject and encourage their curiosity.
  • To develop non-standard and critical thinking in students.
  • Assign and review creative home projects.
  • Learn to interact in pairs, in groups, as well as work one at a time.
  • To contribute to the expansion of horizons through tasks that are related to different areas of science.
  • Adhere to the 4C rule in work: Critical Thinking, Communication, Creativity and Collaboration.

What is required of a toddler teacher?

  • Ability to get along with children and soothe.
  • Teach them relevant skills: information search, digital security, proper communication on the Internet.
  • Ability to work in multitasking mode.
  • Basic psychological training: work with fears, self-doubt, aggression.

Of course, just being confident that you can do it is good, but not convincing enough for the employer. Therefore, if you do not have work experience or specialized education, we recommend that you take special certification courses, in which, in addition to the language, you will study teaching methods.

Cover letter for resume

You may be asked to write a letter of reference for you. If you don't have a past employer, or if your relationship with them doesn't allow them to ask, you can give a few lessons to friends and ask them to write about how you teach. In addition, you can contact your past teachers or colleagues.

Additional Benefits

The world does not stand still, so it is important to be proactive. List your current skills in your resume:

  • Ability to use cloud storage.
  • Experience in content creation.
  • Use of Mobile Learning.
  • Experience in working with inclusive groups of students.
  • The use of Internet resources in the learning process.

English teacher resume template

As a conclusion, we provide you with the opportunity to download a template in .docx in Russian, which provides the following information about the candidate:

  • goal,
  • education,
  • work experience,
  • professional skills,
  • personal qualities,
  • additional information.

We wish you good vacancies and successful interviews!