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How to learn English to level B1 Intermediate?

How to learn English to level B1 Intermediate?

The goal of learning English at level B1 is for those who intend to work directly with foreign customers. Often, the qualification requirements for workers in the most popular IT field today: designers, developers, testers, Project managers, Game Artist, Tech Leads, Marketing Specialist, SEO Content Specialist include intermediate language proficiency - Intermediate.

Along with these professions, one can single out the work of an English teacher abroad - a promising and comfortable profession, which requires an average level of the language and a TEFL / TESOL teacher certificate. In general, with the knowledge of B1 you will not only not be lost, but you will also earn money, so a huge amount of materials and courses are devoted to English B1

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What should a B1 student strive for?

In order to reach the coveted intermediate level, it is necessary to master all the topics and grammar of the previous A1 and A2. Also, your vocabulary when moving to B1 should cross the 1500-word mark and include about 2000 confidently and correctly used words and phrases.

If we briefly describe this stage, we can say that a person speaks well and perceives speech addressed to him, quickly and correctly puts verbs in simple tenses, but may experience problems with grammar of a more complex order.

To reach B1 means to reach the equator. You can not go into a dictionary or abstract to explain your opinion, you know how to reasonably refuse or object, you correctly fill out documents and skillfully conduct a dialogue with a native speaker. Let's see how you can learn a language to the Intermediate.

How to raise English to an intermediate level?

Of course, further improvement of knowledge and skills depends on the chosen teaching methodology. If you have the opportunity to fully immerse yourself with the help of communicative teaching from a native speaker, then you can’t think of a better way to raise the level. If this is not possible, and you plan to learn English on your own, then learning from a native speaker can be compensated by diligence and determination.

The main accents of the study

  • Consolidation of previously acquired reading, speaking, listening and written communication skills.
  • Expanding the base of used words.
  • Strengthening the skill of improvisation in English.
  • Overcoming the effect of Intermediate Plato.

Let's look at what are the ways to achieve the golden mean.

Learning algorithm

  • Allocate 5 to 10 hours each week to study in a format that is comfortable for you.
  • Expand your active vocabulary by 100 words every week.
  • Identify problem areas and work them out in addition to basic training.
  • Practice writing and track how much you compose a text of 20 phrases.
  • Compose monologues on the topics proposed below, consisting of a minimum of 30 words.
  • Reading authentic books in the original with parallel maintenance of a personal dictionary.
  • If possible, full communication with the carrier.
  • Work with motivation and willpower to move to B2.

Intermediate topics

So, in order to master the vocabulary and apply it in a fluent conversation, it is worth devoting 5 to 10 hours a week to reading materials on such topics:

  • people and personality,
  • Representing people's look and temperament,
  • Employment, Capital, and Profit,
  • professional plans,
  • business plan,
  • learning guides,
  • contemporary lifestyles,
  • Transport and Traveling tips and tricks,
  • countries and nations features,
  • nature and environment saving,
  • weather and climate change,
  • communication points,
  • Internet, TV, and Social Media,
  • Cinema And Films,
  • Art and self-realization,
  • shopping and online shopping,
  • Cooking & Restaurants,
  • sport and workout,
  • friendships and relationships,
  • challenges and solutions,
  • Crime and Punishment.

For self-development of these topics, you should use all possible resources: blog articles, American and British newspapers and magazines, fiction in the original and adapted. An equally important contribution to learning will be the selection of educational publications. The result should be a monologue, preferably without previous preparation, on any of the above topics, consisting of 30-40 logical and consistent phrases. The story should contain an introduction, main part, climax, main idea and conclusions of the author.

English for intermediate level online

Daily classes without gaps are the key to success and a quick transition to B2. Online classes are an integral part of the educational routine, so we have collected 15 entertaining options for you to deepen your knowledge.

  • English Banana - 4,000 web pages of cool, printable learning and teaching materials. There is a dedicated section for students who are learning Intermediate with exercises, grammar exercises, reading texts and podcasts.
  • City Grammar is an interesting format for presenting grammar and modern vocabulary mixed with breathtaking views from the center of the UK.
  • ECTV Simple News - learning the words and phrases that English speakers use - the path to clear and understandable conversational speech. Indeed, one of the most effective ways to learn is to watch the latest news.
  • e-lab. Fabulous Destinations - Listen to a perfect speech with a delightfully correct pronunciation and accent, dedicated to discussing cutting-edge technologies. IT folks, welcome!
  • English 911 and English 911 New Season - a great selection of video explanations for the most meticulous learners. If you can't figure out a problem in any way, then perhaps you will find the answer in this series of video tutorials.
  • English Up - listen to a speaker speak about the intricacies of life in England: transport, culinary habits, life, traditions, lifestyle. You will significantly increase your vocabulary on each topic.
  • Evolution - fill in gaps in a story in English - incredibly fun and rewarding.
  • Flash Facts - a mix of facts about our planet and humanity will definitely give you several hundred unfamiliar words and structures, and also broaden your horizons.
  • Keep Fit is a thematic collection of lessons for those who need sports vocabulary + physical exercises. Unusual and healthy.
  • Labor of Love - After watching these series, you will be able to talk about your professional achievements at the native level.
  • Perfect English - fluent speaking is a hallmark of Intermediate, so several hours a week should be devoted to practicing spelling skills. This program is suitable for both beginners and intermediate students thanks to the easy-to-understand explanations of the charming host.
  • Grammar Wise is a series of videos designed to practice grammar skills. The higher the level, the fewer mistakes should be made.
  • Speak Up - decorating your speech with idioms and phraseological units, you will surely win the hearts of English speakers.
  • The Week in Review - world news for the week - a format for those who want to keep abreast of what is happening in the world and learn words from the most diverse areas.
  • What did they say? - episodes created on the basis of the analysis of complex elements of speech, interviews or film fragments.

Be sure to check each site to pick a few that work for you and rotate them throughout the week.

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Intermediate Level Tutorial

You can only use free data freely available on the Internet, but a good tutorial serves several important functions:

  • Structures the studied material into sections - you will systematically study the material from simple to complex.
  • Equally improves theoretical and practical knowledge - during training on sites, a bias may occur.
  • Increases the value of knowledge and effort - when we get something for free, we usually do not appreciate it.
  • It makes it possible to pass self-control on the completed units - each book comes with a notebook with keys to tasks.
  • Helps to mark the topics that caused difficulties and gives a chance to return to them again and refine them.

We have put together 10 books that are worthy of your attention and indicated their approximate cost. However, prices may vary, so check them yourself directly before buying. An important factor in the choice is your training request. For business English, general or scientific English, you need different books with different lexical frameworks. Make a wise purchase decision.

  • English file. Intermediate Student's Book with iTutor DVD-ROM by Christina Latham-Koenig, Clive Oxenden (OXFORD PUBLISHING) - learning is based on original dialogues, articles and practice sections. Tasks of the heading "Can you?" designed to monitor progress. Interviews of real people for the "Practical English" section are also interesting. A large collection of links to additional materials at the end will pleasantly surprise and give a start to the future. The price is about $40.
  • English for Everyone Course Book: Level 3 from Dorling Kinderesley is a 300 page tutorial with exercises that will be of interest to everyone. Logical and intuitive tasks, modern design and relevant topics will help you to master the intermediate level of English fundamentally. Prices for this tutorial start at $30.
  • Cutting Edge: Intermediate from Jonathan Bygrave, Peter Moor, Sarah Cunningham (Pearson) - a textbook with several parts that can be ordered to choose from: basic student book, interactive active book, teacher's book teacher's book workbook with keys add-on with answers, audio lessons online audio, as well as access to the online English lab. Particularly interesting is access to the laboratory, which has a huge number of video and audio recordings, exercises, as well as additional "chips" in the form of voice recording and pronunciation correction. The cost ranges from $25 to $85.
  • English Unlimited: Intermediate Coursebook by Alex Tilbury, David Rea, Theresa Clementson (Cambridge University Press) is a living book with real topics aimed at developing social communication skills. The book includes reference books, self-study methods, a DVD guide for creating a portfolio and monitoring the dynamics of success. The cost is $40.
  • English Grammar in Use from Raymond Murphy (Cambridge University Press) is a classic, educational book for those who strive for excellent grammar skills. It contains more than 120 exercises, reference materials, explanations and theoretical remarks. The kit includes discs for self-control. Market prices start at $40.
  • Speakout Intermediate Plus from Antony Clair (Pearson) is an authentic guide that will get anyone talking. Lessons enhanced by BBC videos and a well-chosen podcast. You will learn to speak, listen, understand and convey what you hear. We recommend taking it with the DVD Pack + Students Book for the best effect. Price from $50.
  • New Total English from Grant Kempton, Will Moreton (Pearson) is a find book with life hacks, interesting observations and tips, discs and text applications with an emphasis on grammar and vocabulary. The cost starts from $60.
  • New Matrix Intermediate from Kathy Gude and Jayne Wildman (Oxford University Press) - unique texts, tasks for reflection, competent repetition of already learned material, and the main goal is to pass a language exam such as IELTS and TOEFL for a certificate. Cost within $30.
  • Real Life Intermediate from Sarah Cunningham, Peter Moor (Pearson) is one of the best self-study textbooks. Clear, based on modern and interesting data, with real photos and characters. Contains sections with authentic stories, exercises for Words2know vocabulary and Grammar2know grammar, as well as tips for students, quizzes, checkpoints. The base book starts at $50.
  • face2face Intermediate from Gillie Cunningham and Chris Redston (Cambridge University Press) is a mega-popular book in the West, corresponding in its content to the CEFR gradation. Every two pages you will find a new topic, so you will master a fairly large amount of knowledge during the passage of the textbook. The authors are adherents of the communicative methodology, so your main achievement after training will be free and easy communication with native speakers. Prices are on average around $60-75.

Despite the fact that prices can bite, this investment will pay for itself from your first salary, which you receive as a specialist with excellent command of English.

Learn Intermediate English on your own

Many students prefer courses. We took into account this common wish and selected the most worthwhile ones for you.

Massive open online courses are the trend of our century. With them, education becomes accessible to anyone. Their main difference is quality. All you need is diligence and a small fee if you want to get a certificate of completion.

Free online courses

  • Alison is a digital university with departments such as Sales and Marketing, Management, Health, Languages, Teaching and Academics, Personal Development. Choose the direction that you like: writing skills, studying English literature, pronunciation, conversational style and combine your studies with other areas of life.
  • Massive Open Online English Course is an Australian site with programs of different difficulty levels. There are unique courses: Coffee Culture for those who are passionate about English-speaking culture, Common Mistakes for those who want to move away from banal and common mistakes.
  • FutureLearn is a library of courses developed by leading universities and cultural and educational organizations in the UK - the British Council and the British Museum, etc.
  • edx - if you dreamed of studying at Harvard, then you won't find a better chance. This resource contains courses included in the programs of Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Study for free under the guidance of teachers from these two universities. There are paid and free versions, but the cost is ten times lower than full-time studies in these institutions. Look for the English Grammar and Style, it is designed for the intermediate level and the transition to the advanced.
  • Udemy - the most diverse areas in many subjects: IT, Business, Self-Development, Languages. Courses consisting of lectures, tests, practical tasks will give you maximum knowledge at your own pace.
  • Open Learning is a great place for sociable and lively students, where you can study not with a strict teacher, but with a practicing expert, for example, in the field of programming. Here you can definitely adopt a real, lively, genuine English language.
  • Canvas Network is a loyal platform where you can choose group or individual lessons. A huge number of free courses will surprise and delight you.
  • Coursera is a great place to learn in real time or watch lectures on tape. Each course contains instructional videos, quizzes and exercises to test and reinforce what you have learned. However, in order to successfully complete the training, you need to know English really well at level B1.

Paid courses

Among the paid online courses, we have identified those that are in demand and are always heard:

  • Englex is a Russian-language resource that promises great results and a personal approach. From?600 per lesson.
  • EnglishDom is a school that has been on the market for a long time and has consistently good reviews. From?800 per lesson.
  • Skyeng is a world-famous online platform with various learning formats. From?800.
  • Tetrika - you can choose one of three directions: general, for children and for adults. From?800.
  • Chicaga - offer three free trial lessons before recording. From?310.
  • 7mango - improve your English with a native speaker online. From?410.
  • Skyford - full hour lessons for the best result. From?450.
  • Lingua-airlines is a personal methodology and an individually selected teacher. From?700.
  • Best English Academy is a communicative method according to Cambridge person and online. From?300.
  • Toki is teaching by native speakers with higher linguistic or pedagogical education. From?600.

If you are not yet ready for a full-fledged course, we advise you to test free resources, watch movies and TV shows in the original, read fairy tales, comics and jokes. Learning should be a joy, otherwise it will not bring the desired results.

Bonus Content Collection

  • Begin English is a project based on the author's methodology of students of Moscow State University. The platform is announced as a start for those who are learning a language, but as a daily practice it can be very useful. Gradually moving from simple to complex will give you an understanding of your gaps and allow you to close them. After training, you will be able to use more than 4000 words, as well as train auditory perception and speaking. Worth a try!
  • Book2 is an audio course on British or American accents, which includes a phrase book, dictionary work, and it is also possible to download material for offline lessons. Here everyone can find something suitable for themselves.
  • The Simpler for Android, for iOS will help you learn using your smartphone: alternate memorizing words and associations, grammatical warm-up, compose complex structures and confidently move to B2.
  • Jobs School is a resource for those who love YouTube. The host shares intriguing information and proves that English is must have in the modern world. The channel is good with a variety of topics that can be expanded with new words.
  • Forvo - something that can be trained indefinitely - is the correct pronunciation. This web resource is simply an indispensable thing for those who do not want to get into a puddle by confusing the sounds of the English language.

As a conclusion

Once you reach level B1, you can take an English proficiency test to know if you have enough knowledge to take a TEFL/TESOL course and start teaching it to foreign students all over the world!