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Words for English level C1 Advanced (advanced)

Words for English level C1 Advanced (advanced)

Finally, that golden time has come when the expressions A1, A2B1 and even B2 are no longer something inaccessible. Now you skillfully operate with them and a good hundred more complex expressions, which we will talk about today. Thus, C1 English words are the markers that distinguish the language elite from beginners.

Bilingual possession

A significant reserve brings a person closer to the apogee of knowledge of a foreign language - bilingualism. In other words, with the vocabulary that you managed to accumulate, you can think in English no worse than in your native Russian. At this level, even a complete changeover of all your work and personal materials into English will not be a shock or a problem for you.

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You are ready for life among the Britons and Americans, and, moreover, you are also ready for high-quality career growth, growing friends and family, exciting leisure, any scientific activity, and the Anglo-Saxon vocabulary is already like your own.

What do you need to know at the Advanced level?

Topics on which you can conduct lengthy monologues and lively dialogues, we cited in this article. You can perceive and work with texts of such directions:

  • Medicine: Doctor's Appointments, Instructions, Treatment Regimen.
  • Education: Dissertation, Scientific Methods, And Research, Empirical and Theoretical Approaches.
  • Profession: Employer Requirements, Job Duties, Labor Laws.
  • World Conflicts: Local Wars, "Cold" Fights, nuclear weapons.
  • Art: Literature, Music, Painting Then and Now.
  • Digital Technologies: Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Artificial Intelligence.
  • Humanism: Life as The Highest Value.
  • Health: Dietary Rules, Sports, Mental Health.
  • Politics and Law: Constitution, Law and Order, Violations.
  • Coronavirus: control, social change, vaccination.
  • The Environment: Protection, Status, Prospects.
  • The Psyche: Emotions, Feelings, Standards, And Disorders.
  • Travel: Tickets, Routes, Hotels.
  • Books, Films, Exhibitions.
  • Wildlife: Wildlife, Pets.
  • Food And Cooking: Recipes of The World, Traditional Dishes of Russia, England, USA.
  • My Personality: My Goals, Plans, Expectations and Dreams.
  • Celebrities: Bright Examples, Influence, Responsibility.
  • Internal Conflicts: Worries, Problems, Depression.
  • Friendship and Social Relations: Rules and Manners.
  • Modern Business: New Formats, Today's Marketing.
  • Parenting: Modern Parenting, The 21st-Century Family Model.
  • The Trends of Mankind: Fashion, Looks, And Habits.

100 C1 level verbs

In order to speak like a true Anglo-Saxon, you should carefully study this selection.

To abate [əˈbeɪt] shorten, diminish, attenuate
To abjure [əbˈʤʊə] Refuse, renounce, abstain
To dangle  [ˈdæŋgl] dangle, hang, hang
To abscond  [əbˈskɒnd] Hide, abyss, leave
To assuage  [əˈsweɪʤ] soothe, soothe, soothe
to disabuse  [ˌdɪsəˈbjuːz] Disappoint, upset, debunk
To equivalent  [ɪˈkwɪvəkeɪt] evade, justify, dispute
To incise  [ɪnˈsaɪz] notch
to diminish  [dɪˈmɪnɪʃ] Reduce
To jeopardize  [ˈʤɛpədaɪz] Put in jeopardy
to breed  [briːd] Multiply
to prevaricate  [prɪˈværɪkeɪt] Exaggerate
To recant  [rɪˈkænt] Refuse to testify
To return  [rɪˈfjuːt] Refute
to ignoble  [ɪgˈnəʊbl] seduce
To banish  [ˈbænɪʃ] banish
To disavow  [ˌdɪsəˈvaʊ] renounce
to explode  [ɪksˈpləʊd] Explode
To unearth  [ ʌnˈɜːθ] unearth
to depict  [dɪˈpɪkt] display
To unpick  [ʌnˈpɪk] Dissolve, dissolve
to originate  [əˈrɪʤɪneɪt] be born
To pluck  [plʌk] Tear out
To amass  [əˈmæs] Accumulate
To staff  [stɑːf] staff
to shrink  [ʃrɪŋk] shrink
to mold  [məʊld] sculpt
To contrive  [kənˈtraɪv] invent
To entice  [ɪnˈtaɪs] Lure
to pervade  [pɜːˈveɪd] permeate
to prevail  [prɪˈveɪl] prevail
to supersede  [ˌsjuːpəˈsiːd] displace
to redeem  [rɪˈdiːm] Redeem
To wrack  [ræk] disturb
To mesh  [mɛʃ] Hook
To render  [ˈrɛndə] Render
to lease  [liːs] To rent
To stipulate  [ˈstɪpjʊleɪt] stipulate
to day  [dɪˈkriː] Decide
To reminisce  [ˌrɛmɪˈnɪs] Recall
To rarefy  [ˈreərɪfaɪ] Thin out
to venerate [ˈvɛnəreɪt] read
To hatch  [hæʧ] Hatch
To anchor  [ˈæŋkə] Drop anchor
To inherit  [ɪnˈhɛrɪt] Get a legacy
To stab  [stæb] Stab, attack, stab
To sublet  [ˌsʌbˈlɛt] Sublease
To outline  [ˈaʊtlaɪn] draw, draw, outline
To infiltrate  [ˈɪnfɪltreɪt] Penetrate, infiltrate, infiltrate
To utter  [ˈʌtə] pronounce, pronounce, pronounce
To vituperate  [vɪˈtjuːpəreɪt] mock, offend
to waver  [ˈweɪvə] sway, squirm, tremble
To withstand  [wɪðˈstænd] endure, endure, endure
to swap  [swɒp] Swap, change
to coax  [kəʊks] Connect
To conspire  [kənˈspaɪə] conspire
to append  [əˈpɛnd] Attach
to entail  [ɪnˈteɪl] Entail
to repine  [rɪˈpaɪn] Blame
to glance  [glɑːns] cast a glance, glance
To resort  [rɪˈzɔːt] resort
to substitute  [ˈsʌbstɪtjuːt] Replace
to surpass  [sɜːˈpɑːs] surpass
to deem  [diːm] Count
To prophesy  [ˈprɒfɪsaɪ] prophesy
To unveil  [ʌnˈveɪl] To uncover
To discard  [ˈdɪskɑːd] refuse, write off, reject
To eradicate  [ɪˈrædɪkeɪt] eradicate
To propagate  [ˈprɒpəgeɪt] Distribute
To terminate  [ˈtɜːmɪneɪt] stop
To engross  [ɪnˈgrəʊs] Capture
To overtake  [ˌəʊvəˈteɪk] overtake, overtake, overcome
To shield  [ ʃiːld] cover, shield, protect
To ingest  [ɪnˈʤɛst] swallow
To malign  [məˈlaɪn] denigrate
To exhibit  [ɪgˈzɪbɪt] exhibit
To extirpate  [ˈɛkstɜːpeɪt] Destroy
To initiate  [ɪˈnɪʃɪɪt] Initiate
To adjoy  [ ædʤɔɪ] Stick to
to delve  [dɛlv] go deep
to vow  [ vaʊ] swear, pledge, promise
to alienate  [ˈeɪliəneɪt] alienate
to reimburse  [ˌriːɪmˈbɜːs] reimburse
to disperse  [dɪsˈpɜːs] disperse, disperse
to overlook [ˌəʊvəˈlʊk] overlook
to dismantle  [dɪsˈmæntl] Dismantle, dismantle, remove, destroy
to exhilarate  [ɪgˈzɪləreɪt] cheer up
to thrill  [θrɪl] excite
to underpin  [ˌʌndəˈpɪn] support
to follow-up  [ˈfɒləʊˈʌp] track
to predispose  [ˌpriːdɪsˈpəʊz] predispose, predispose, predispose
to peer  [pɪə] compare, compare, compare
to intervene  [ˌɪntə(ː)ˈviːn] interfere
to resonate  [ˈrɛzəˌneɪt] resonate
to contradict  [ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkt] contradict, contradict, refute
to distil  [dɪsˈtɪl] Distill, soften, disperse
to mitigate  [ˈmɪtɪgeɪt] soften, soften, loosen
to bounce back  [baʊns bæk] Rebound, return, return, recover
To indulge  [ɪnˈdʌlʤ] indulge, indulge, indulge
to sniff  [snɪf] sniff, sniff, sniff

C1 involves skillful use of both formal and informal speech. In addition, you are able to properly manage intonation: ask questions with it, give the right emotional color to the sentence, and also understand the opponent’s intonational accents.

Advanced level C1 means that you accurately determine the attitude of the author, both during oral conversation and in correspondence and literary texts. Most students already understand subtle humor, as well as the feelings and emotions of the author.

During a conversation with a native speaker, a person claiming Advanced must also take care of the relevance of the conversation. Thus, you must know what to talk about in order to be interesting with you. To do this, you need to follow the topics that are on everyone's lips. If you visit the blog of the University of Cambridge, you will find such recent articles there:

  • Movement "Conservationists": their views, ideas and goals.
  • Global warming and the greening of Antarctica.
  • The disappearance of animals as a reason for the thoughtless consumption of goods.
  • The settlement of Mars: prospects and opportunities.
  • "Low-carbon diet", the refusal of air travel, the use of cars and "Child free" are the modern views of American youth.
  • Smart manufacturing and zero carbon emissions.
  • Climate change: dynamics, ways out of the crisis.
  • Cell research: getting rid of health problems at the stage of the embryo.
  • The consequences of the pandemic in nature and society.
  • Mental problems in adolescence and how to prevent them.
  • Women in science.
  • The problem of plastic waste.
  • Racial inequality: examples and ways to overcome.
  • Reusable things as a necessity of our time.

Here is a short list of topics that people are interested in talking about today. It is important not just to conduct a dialogue in the style: "fact-explanation", but to include the "my opinion" link. Then it will be a real wow effect!