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Games in English lessons

Games in English lessons

The interactive teaching method has proven to be one of the most effective. The modern education system is developing rapidly and rapidly, which is why it is so important that teachers can adapt the material during the lesson. The use of games in the classroom facilitates the study and memorization of new information. It should be borne in mind that modern games differ in many ways.

The main criteria for selection and holding:

  • clear purpose and end result;
  • the level of difficulty should correspond to the level of the student's language proficiency;
  • compliance with the interests of the child;
  • time spending;
  • all necessary materials must be prepared in advance;
  • debriefing and feedback.

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Why educational games are an integral part of any educational process? If you paid attention, then even modern business trainings or "team building" for adults include these motives. Not surprisingly, they are the most natural way for children to explore the world.

This is due to the fact that they carry different functions:

  • Practical development of acquired knowledge.
  • Exercises for teamwork, where there is an opportunity to show personal qualities.
  • Entertaining, as a way to switch attention between topics.
  • Didactic - obtaining new knowledge.

Depending on the topic and purpose of your lesson, choose the appropriate ones. They should fit the meaning and functions that we have analyzed above. And most importantly, students should like them and motivate them to learn English.

Games in English for children

Games in individual lessons and group lessons, online and offline will be slightly different. However, easily adaptable to all types. The point is to teach new vocabulary and grammar and help to use it in speech. Spaced repetition and visiting without gaps will contribute to the rapid development of English words. Frequent contact with the tongue in different forms will help to make the process natural. The main factor to pay attention to is the age and interests of the students. The more precisely this fits into the child's ordinary life, the more inconspicuous and pleasant the process of memorizing new words will become for him. Interest in new things in students will lead them to significant results in the future. The opportunity to play at school will allow them to feel some freedom and enjoyment from new information.

Classification of games depending on age

For toddlers 3-5 years old:

  • physical activity;
  • drawing, coloring;
  • finger, tactile;
  • lexical;
  • card;
  • poems, songs.

For primary school students:

  • mobile activities;
  • spelling;
  • matching;
  • board games;
  • reaction and speed exercises.

For high school students:

  • board games;
  • brain teaser;
  • grammatical;
  • role-playing.

For high school students:

  • collective;
  • creative;
  • dictation;
  • filling in the gaps;
  • debate.

Below we have prepared ways to play during an English lesson, depending on the age of the students.

For preschoolers

Games for preschoolers

Young children will not be suitable for tasks related to logical thinking or teamwork. It is still difficult for students aged 3-5 to focus and maintain discipline. That is why it is so important that the teacher can take the work of the class into his own hands. A large percentage of success depends on the emotional component, intonation, fairy-tale characters and tasks that the guys will be able to do. Bright pictures and loud sounds can attract the attention of babies. At this stage, simulation games are just right.

Children at this age learn:

  • alphabet;
  • letters and sounds;
  • animals;
  • colors;
  • main subjects.

Until students are ready to analyze successes and failures, the task of the teacher is to show them how exciting this language is, to help them use it with ease and interest. If you teach kids and are looking for a way to get their attention and start the developmental process, we have prepared for you a selection of games for preschoolers, including:

  • acquaintance;
  • food;
  • numbers;
  • colors;
  • body parts;
  • animals.

For elementary grades

Games in elementary school

When teaching at school, many teachers are faced with the fact that children from grades 1-4 quickly get tired of monotony. As a result, in the eyes there is no interest and desire to go to such classes. But if you add fun games and educational games, then the study will take on bright colors. Children need to shift focus from time to time. Since at this age they cannot yet use the language consciously.

They help students:

  • activate mental processes;
  • get rid of shyness and psychological barrier;
  • publicly express your thoughts;
  • cheer up and relieve fatigue;
  • develop communication skills;
  • better listening.

Therefore, we have prepared fun games for primary school students. With their help, you can switch the attention of the guys to something bright and memorable in time.

In the collection you will find exercises:

  • Edible / inedible;
  • Deaf phone;
  • Guess what;
  • Grammar detective;
  • Captains;
  • Pantomime.
  • Guess the word;
  • Showball.

For middle school

Games in middle school

Group games for teenagers differ significantly from exercises for elementary grades. From grades 5-9, children realize the importance of education and communication in a team. It is important to consider that at this age, students will no longer want to sing songs in chorus or portray a broken phone. They are already able to hold attention and be focused. And if the usual exercises in phonetics or grammar can cause them rejection and boredom, then educational games can defuse the situation. Middle school students are more diligent than kids, so they need clear and precise motivation. Since they already have a certain amount of knowledge, an incentive is needed to use the available words and constructions.

Students learn to work in a team and work out:

  • spelling;
  • Irregular Verbs;
  • order of words in a sentence;
  • adverbs and degrees of comparisons of adjectives;
  • tenses and their combination.

It seems that such an audience is more difficult to please, but it is not. It is enough just to choose interesting tasks that contribute to group work. Use our list of games for middle school students to surprise your students.

For high school

Games in high school

Students in grades 10-11 go through a difficult period of preparation for exams. A large number of extra classes and homework causes them stress. By this time, they are already crossing the border of the average level. There comes a period of working out complex grammatical structures, listening and vocabulary. But knowing the interests of children, even the most boring exercise for a while can be made fun. Educational games for teenagers should focus on communication skills that will be useful to them in real life, as well as when passing exams. The standard true or false or fill in the gaps gets more complicated with new vocabulary and grammar.

The children are introduced to:

  • phrasal verbs;
  • conditional sentences;
  • long texts on topics: nature, animals, health;
  • idioms;
  • timing agreement.

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Therefore, it is important to make the study and application of new elements as interesting as possible. Add your favorite actors, singers to grammar and listening. Ask them to describe the plot of their favorite movie or TV series using the past tenses. We have prepared a selection of games in English suitable for high school students. Among them:

  • The crocodile game;
  • Tongue Twisters;
  • Word order;
  • Scrabble;
  • The story telling game.